Tommáso della Servo

The Volt is their hybrid.  The Bolt is EV.  Unfortnate naming decisions.

Now I’ve got a hankerin’ for some

I’d like to go another way on this and find the individuals that actually went in, qualified for every rebate and walked out the door with a car and payment of $38/month (before taxes and fees). Oh the stories they probably have.

Thanks to Alton Brown I’ve made a version of my stovetop popcorn in a brown paper bag with a bit of oil & stapled shut.

Thanks to Alton Brown I’ve made a version of my stovetop popcorn in a brown paper bag with a bit of oil & stapled

Maybe just that sometimes, it’s best to just let some things go.

Dear democrat in Virginia,

As it stands, I think he and the GOP can push the narrative that Dems are causing gridlock


I’d love to, but faith has eroded so much.

If I were pope I’d totally pick Formosus as my name.

He’s not your Guy, Friend.

.   Nevermind: I actually read the article. :)

Candy Corn is always connected to Halloween, but to me Candy Corn is year-round. But it has to be either Brach’s or home made. I get sick of it fast, though.  Like after 20 pieces I need to break for the day.  It goes well with milk.

The Princess Switch: Dark sequel to Princess Bride that either shows what happens with the Princess gets uppity and Adrian Peterson gets involved in doling out punishment, or how the Dread Pirate Roberts and Princess Buttercup enjoy themselves in the boudoir.

On a good weekend in that corner, look for the 10 for $10 sign and stock up!

The last thing I’d ever do is microwave any frozen pizza-like food. Be it a hot pocket or actual Celeste Pizza for One. CPFO were staples of my junior high/high school years (back when they were at least an inch larger in diameter) so toaster ovening them is ingrained into my psyche at this point. Anyone that eats

Wow I had never considered the original DiGiorno’s sauce a “sweet” sauce. It always came off spicier to me than, say, Freschetta’s original sauce. My ex-roommate and I would debate the merits of each as he was a a sweeter sauce guy.

Yeah I wanted to love the stuffed crust DiGiorno, but then once I bit into it and noticed how little flavor that cheese had, it just became a doughy crust.

12-pack?  Must have.