Tommáso della Servo

Just hold a fundraiser. Or donate the cash and get the tax deduction. I think this is a way of washing over the distaste of The Decision (tm) when following the logic suggests that anyone who doesn’t do their own version of it for charity somehow sucks. Yesterday’s LeBron announcement raised money for zero

Well it’s not far off.

Someone else mentioned in another thread something about viewing with watchseries messed up the order of the segments... is that what possibly happened in your case too?

Miller’s partner that got impaled and severely injured by a rebelling “Remember the Cant” marauder.  I don’t know why he’s relevant going forward except possibly in the books..?

For people not into sci-fi, my “twitter pitch” is “Game of Thrones in space

I was able to watch all 3 seasons in 3 weeks and loved pretty much every minute of it.  No one single minute captured the “OH MY GOD” of The Adama Maneuver for me, but there were so many that came close, and consistently, that it sits higher than BSG in my rankings... but then again BSG shit the bed at the end, so

And then the final reveal setting up season 4 HOLY SHIT oh my god that’s going to be amazing! 

But I was surprised they didn’t show the stuff again, as a reminder.

In fairness, Instagram won’t let you follow yourself, so “0 Following” it is.

We are young but getting old before our time.

Yeah but he’s still gotta respect when Lady Bird called his shot during the 3-point competition that one year.

Crazy Kinja, clicking on your reply to me was the first I saw of GDub’s reply to you. In any case, I was partially joking since I could always resort to an internet search... but that was the joke! Haha. Ahem. Moving on.

And here we are 30 days later and still don’t know what OTT is.

A lot of all-star play coming from Brinson over the last couple of weeks. Vote early, vote often.

“If I was going to LA or Chicago, with a lot of fast highway driving”

“If I was going to LA or Chicago, with a lot of fast highway driving”

I’m convinced there’s a clause in the Pujols contract that states he must.. MUST.. be in the 4-spot in every game he plays. What an albatross.

I’m guessing, since Amos disconnected his hose from his suit, there was a valve or other failsafe that kept his suit pressurized with whatever remaining air was present. Whereas Prax had his line severed so the air was escaping freely. What I don’t get is why there was no air in their compartment in general. Wasn’t

Yep. Him and Brinson.

Ha! That was an amazing reach, so I’ll allow it. ;-)

The bar is low in LA. Look what they paid Kobe to do for his last two years. Anything better than that is otherworldly.