Tommáso della Servo

I can’t stop laughing at this.

See you next time.

He actually said “I’m going to keep it awesome,” but it was a text message so instead of “awesome,” autocorrect made it that stupid 100 emoji. 💯

+1 Harold Perry

We’re through the looking glass, people!

I actually don’t mind the notch so much, but also don’t own the phone, either.

Serendipitously, your comment had 7 stars when I read it.

Yeah, well, that’s just, like....

Notchos Rule!

Yeah but it was actually the Chinese version of Louis Vuitton:

That’s about how I feel too. I was a fan of none of the teams he pitched for, but definitely a fan of excellence and class, and he seemed to exude both.

Looking at his twitter feed it’s full of him giving back to kids and baseball. I enjoyed watching him pitch. RIP.

New guy decided he hates job. New guy wants to be let go to collect any benefit that he may be obligated to receive under an employment contract. New guy may be George Costanza.

leave the toilet reasonably sanitary for the drunk guy who suddenly has to take a dump. I wanted to scrog these guys, drag them out of the club by their hair.

Sadly I’m a lot closer to twice your age than I am to your actual age, and I got snacks when I was a kid, but for soccer only; maybe basketball too. But for baseball it was the snack shack that was all the rage. F post-game snacks, I want a hot dog slathered in ketchup and a “suicide” soda.

This is one of my new go-tos if more than one person will be eating with me. And there is a ton of pepperoni, too. Otherwise, it’s still Celeste pizza-for-one.

Bravo. Great payoff. Here’s $75K for a pilot.

if anyone needs noon tickets to the non-3D Rockville showing

Blair Walsh: