Tommáso della Servo

“If my old car could park where ever I wanted” I’m unaware of ordinances requiring EVs to only park in certain spots.

It’s a different story if he had been portrayed or hinted at being a replicant himself all along.

and now everyone’s covered in shit and yogurt.

“Now, why the fuck did I just have to explain that?”

Yeah, that’s ridiculous. On the Model S it’s like other cars, at the bottom of the wheel and out-of-the way so you don’t accidentally use something you’ll basically be setting and forgetting.

Agreed. I haven’t put a front plate on my car since I was a teenager. I’ve never had a single issue except when I took a job in Marina del Rey for a year. It seems the Santa Monica area PD were a bit more diligent in ticketing front-plate scofflaws. I paid my (I think it was) $10 fine, put the plate on the car

It seems if the car is made-to-order you can sign a waiver at purchase that says you’re aware there’s no front plate holder for this car. I had to do it for my BMW M3, and again for my used Model S. Both came with no holes pre-drilled, brackets, or any adapters whatsoever.

Whoops.. sorry.. just saw your second post where you noticed those other locations. You can check a better curated status of sites at supercharge.info

It’s been under construction for 43 days. supercharge.info keeps up-to-date on the status of sites that are in the permit stage or under construction.

Yeah, it’s getting there. Tucson is 43 days into construction. Willcox AZ just applied for permits 3 days ago. Deming, NM applied for permits 10 days ago.

If my old car refueled overnight in my garage for approx half the cost of my new car, and my new car required me to drive somewhere out of my way and pay, on average, twice as much, I would bitch.

This. I started informally checking how long my average gas station fill-ups would take. From the minute Istop at the red light waiting to turn on to the street the station is located, to pulling back out on to the street when I’m done, the minimum time needed has never been less than 6 minutes. Sometimes there are

They need to recruit Parker Lewis. I hear that he finds losing extremely difficult to do.

Possible loophole: Another Brick in the Wall Pt 1 doesn’t have the kids chorus. I tend to prefer it since it’s not as played out as Pt 2.

Should have used the DDT. RIP The Snake.

“alright, uh, let’s go out there and, you know. Let’s do it, I guess.”

Our day was ruined.

Dude... he HAD to be tanked during that. That was awesome.

In celebration, Keith went out and got his tits lit.