That woman in the lower-left of picture. Is she doing the Garrett Morris sign language version?
That woman in the lower-left of picture. Is she doing the Garrett Morris sign language version?
“no one was ejected on Sunday at all.”
Butros Butros Golly.
Butros Butros Golly.
You put Padre Juan into a Louisville shirt and all of a sudden he looks like Pitino’s Frank Stallone-ish little brother.
Frente version for me, but I was going through bad times, then.
I would even be satisfied with a setting called “Invert Icons” where the zero point for icon arrangement switches from upper-left to lower-right.
Yeah I’m surprised that they have gone a decade without changing this. Especially with “Reachability” as a shoddy excuse for allowing me to put my icons within thumbs reach on my own. Makes me miss the old days of jailbreaking.
That Hot Toys Vlade Divac Lakers figure is all kinds of Uncanny Valley for me. Still, I don’t remember him being number 66.
No, that was in the Skinny Jeans vs. Chinos thread. Skinny Jeans are less filling, but Chinos taste great.
He’s already on record as saying standing with arms locked is A-Ok. For some reason he has a problem with knees.
Look at the picture. They’re all taking knees there. And it’s before the anthem too so it doesn’t count.
“Chanel 11”
“I don’t like it when protests inconvenience me!”
“My dark-skinned proper..... footbaw players... they’re being leeeeeders.”
Re-read your own comments, little dumb dumb.
Honestly, now I retro-actively wish that this movie had been made. We just need its BS existence right now.
Uh uh. No moving the goalposts here (look that phrase up of you need to). You said kneeling for the anthem changes nothing and that you stand to show respect. Those two actions specifically. Not joining the military or police or anything else your version of “sacrifice for the flag” is defined as. You said “Standing…
A cajole?
“I stand for the flag because it’s a show of respect for our fallen.”