Tommáso della Servo

“I’m Keith Hernandez.”

Does anyone know the energy density of blood?

Inanimate Carbon Rod

Full Nets would be the very definition of ‘cutting off your nose to spite your face’. 

 Trump oozing all over the place.

How do *most* moms make $4558589 per week from home... follow the money... in to the elastic waistband.

Tree Rollins?

Is there any indication of the breakdown those for Guilty vs Not-Guilty? If it was 11-1 I’ll be ready to flip a table too. If it was 7-5 or something, then I’ll be questioning my sanity, wondering what I missed that they didn’t - or vice-versa.

Cue Kornheiser and his Bear on a trampoline.

I’m scared hearing “Tom Cruise Universe”

I loved Cruise in the Tropic Thunder role, but do agree that there was something about it that was still him playing him playing someone else. He’s calculating every gyration, fingerwag and “fuck”. Watching him dance during the end credits, it’s almost like he’s trying to prove how fun he is, with his thought

Hmm... google’s definition of both words holds them as basically synonymous.

I’m also jaded, so “The agreement doesn’t disclose how much the Clippers would pay Inglewood for their land” also sticks out to me.

He’s on trial for rape, not for drugging someone. So, uh, no, that’s not enough for me.

The state’s case was infinitely stronger than the defence’s.

Two takeaways:

Considering their previous big move involved trading a shit-ton of picks for Jared Goff, I’d say this is progress. Ram tough.

There’s always money in the banana stand.... errr, I mean the neck. That neck can hold every last euro.