Tommáso della Servo

but fucking Ron over here majored in 14th Century Chinese poetry

This is correct. There is no “lower” or “higher” A/C; “up” or “down.” It’s either on or off - blowing cold air or not. “Turn on the A/C, please.” Done and done.

Hot anything first. If it’s a sizzling steak with steamed broccoli, steak first. If it’s a burger and fresh, scalding hot french fries, then the fries.

The real question is, who among us - hetero men - if we discovered hot female supermodel in stall next door in the same scenario, would we help or would we bail? If it’s #1, no brainer, I help. “Front to back Paulina (projecting name from my adolescence), no UTI that way. By the way I saw Ric hanging out with

This modern, grittier reboot of Black Sunday just isn’t doing it for me.

no one wants to pay $200 to see Celine Dion

-Simulated blumpkins

It’s late, but finally something has made my day!

I like Prison Mike!

“Come on Novak. Don’t meth around. Imeth is everything.”

I’m Sam Neill at the end of Red October at this point... oh wait....

Driving to Rockaway Beach, NY.

He certainly has a high motor.

Please, Moreno. Build a better team around him.

Are the White Sox this season’s Cardinals?

and 3) the independent spotters paid to see them missed them. All of them.

Mikaela? Jakeifer?

“Hey let’s get ‘Schefty!’ back on the air for his insight and analysis.”

Both of them were playing characters and neither seemed like real people.