Tommáso della Servo

The problem is “Kinda Decent Baller” - KDB (tm) - didn’t do well in his market research, so Lavar big-balled it.

I grew up loving McDonald’s fries, and back then their infinitely-too-tiny ketchup packets were Hunt’s. Yet at home we had Heinz. So what I’m saying is I’m bi-ketchupal. Enjoy both sides of the ketchup rainbow, my friend.

Holy F that was the greatest thing I’ve seen since scrolling down to click on that YouTube link. Awesome.

THE Max Gail?


I was wondering if anyone else would mention that. That alone calls shenanigans on the whole story.

Except that - if true - demanding that no pepperoni gets sliced results in less pepperoni on your pizza. A pizza with an adequate amount of pepperoni surely has several pieces that could not avoid the slicer.

Here’s a test for you: Take a wooden spoon and stick it down into the pot. If the spoon stands standing straight up when you let go, that’s a stew. 

When I make steak, I preheat my oven to 500 degrees with a cast iron skillet. I take my skillet outside (produces a lot of smoke), place my steak on the skillet for 2 min, flip, and then return to oven that’s been turned down to 350. I pull it after 3 min and let it rest for 10 min. Perfection.

Why would LaVar Ball want to buy Jack Johnson’s parents?


For a split-second I thought all those logos were M&Ms.... corporate sponsorship sinking to a new level. But nah, it’s just me... corporate sponsorship is still as pure as ever!

Wow... just wow. ......wait.... ugh..... ok, +1.

Oh wow that last picture is just “See? I told you I could do it.” Awesome.

giving your cat discarded boxes and bags to hang out in

Ha! Just like having children.

+1 Moses Malone, +1 actual Moses

Call me crazy, but if a ref comes at me with a whistle I’m not exactly going to run screaming.

Stupid story, but there was this cool bar in the Luxor back in my early Vegas days... I think it was called Tut’s Hut. It had this sound reflecting and absorbing egg-domed ceiling so wherever you were on the elliptical bar, the person on the diametric opposite could hear what you were saying like it was coming right