That’s an awesome idea!! You should definitely do it. I want video, too.
This x 100.
Our first was “The Luckiest” by Ben Folds... makes me wistful just thinking about it. My mom and I danced to “She” by Elvis Costello (from Notting Hill soundtrack.. I believe it was a cover).
Honestly, CBS may have done Mike Carey a favor by sending him home.
I’m guessing Lackey wasn’t his usual jovial self after these hijinks.
Criticism != insult. I didn't read the rest.
Strawman. BusPassTrollop never said “therefore we should ban this one thing.” You put those words in his/her mouth to further your own agenda.
Image via Netflix
Wow. Anne Hathaway has range!
I believe it was Roger McDowell. The infamous “second spitter.”
...And still gotten closer to finding a real bigfoot than Finding Bigfoot has or ever will.
Hands down, I vote for #LOLympics. That’s gold, Jerry!
Aah... the 2 meter freestyle. I can’t wait for the qualifiers.
Didn’t Hootie have a song portending the existence of Las Vegas Knights?
<wiping Bridget's coffee off my face> Given Ben’s nanny was in the private jet sporting Tom’s rings, is this quote really all that surprising?
So ask yourself if it’s really worth it to spend up to $800M to create several hundred minimum wage jobs.
Might not be as bad as the ballpark that it will be replacing, where several private land owners had their property “condemned” so as to be compelled to sell at quite a deflated value. I’m glad at least one guy fought back. “Unprecendented” appears here, too:
Haha. A poor writer choosing incongruent terms to convey a message and then blaming the reader is always telling. Well done, poor communicator.