
it might become more second nature after you tweak the deck and get more familiar with the spell images, but maybe I’m just to used to “1 = Leap, 2 = Whirlwind, 3 = Rend”... It takes me out of the moment to have to look at my skill bar before I cast each spell to make sure I’m not summoning a ghoul when I need to be

it might become more second nature after you tweak the deck and get more familiar with the spell images, but maybe I’m just to used to “1 = Leap, 2 = Whirlwind, 3 = Rend”... It takes me out of the moment to have to look at my skill bar before I cast each spell to make sure I’m not summoning a ghoul when I need to be

But the English Monarchy never intended for the American Colonies to rule themselves independently...”

I played a bit of the closed Beta, and the gameplay was a little... iffy. Imagine if Diablo 3 randomly swapped out your skills every time you used one, but the images for each skill hotkey were barely distinguishable from each other. It was difficult to keep track of what spell you were about to cast, and since some

If a foreign leader made comments along the lines of “why are we treating Americans humanely?” then that same percentage of Americans who agree with Cornyn would be up in arms that someone would dare suggest that mistreatment... 

If a foreign leader made comments along the lines of “why are we treating Americans humanely?” then that same percentage of Americans who agree with Cornyn would be up in arms that someone would dare suggest that mistreatment... 

Last year, we asked my daughter (she was 5 at the time) if she wanted to join Cub Scouts (precursor to Boy Scouts) or Girl Scouts. She looked at the general activities for each group and pretty much all she saw for GS was that they sold cookies... The activity list for Cub Scouts appealed a lot more and so for over a


other people have given you “micro” effects of how DST is painful for individual people, and your rebuttals seem to downplay their importance or say that they don’t effect you because you don’t have kids or you are able to take multiple naps a day to offset the time shift.

it causes headaches with hourly worker time tracking, it increases traffic accidents, most of the world does not change times so it can confuse scheduling with those in other countries (my company has workers in Europe and Moscow), special coding in software has to be done to take the change into account...


seems like it would only take a few times of the common people actually waiting for stock to replenish and only buying the consoles from legitimate retailers for these scalpers to lose out on a bunch of money and get the hint... Let them go drop thousands of dollars on “product” and then sit on it for weeks/months

Those of us who mask properly might see some benefit, but in my opinion this recommendation is like a restaurant posting a sign that says “all employees must wash hands twice after using the restroom” - the employees that already wash are going to find it mildly helpful if redundant, and the employees who wipe their

Those of us who mask properly might see some benefit, but in my opinion this recommendation is like a restaurant posting a sign that says “all employees must wash hands twice after using the restroom” - the employees that already wash are going to find it mildly helpful if redundant, and the employees who wipe their

just like the epic mess of GME, this is only going to truly benefit the people who got in on the ground floor when the value was about 1 cent, and then only if they can manage to convince others to buy in so they can sell their “coins” at around $1. It’s almost a pyramid scheme, and the last people in are the ones who

it sucks that we can’t write in votes, could always go for someone over(under)powered like Franklin Richards or bring back one of the shudder-inducing X-Treme members from the 90s like Adam X...

I know this was all about fucking over some short-sellers, but at what point are the poor people who get stuck with the overpriced stocks going to realize that there will be no way for them to recoup the money they just dumped into this prank?

as useful as some of these “gig” services can be (especially during current times), it will likely take a full-scale boycott of some of them in order to get their attention (which unfortunately will probably affect more jobs). I’m sure it’s just a massive coincidence that all of the union employees are getting the

that’s the nail on the head. All this plan does is piss off the people who “paid their own way” the hard way, helps out some people *today* and then... nothing. As long as schools are charging and arm, a leg, a kidney, and your firstborn for a degree, in a few years or a decade there will be another huge batch of

this is set in the 1800s, weren’t wizards still shitting on the floor and magiking the fecal pile away instead of using bathrooms like dirty muggles?

he’s setting himself up to be the most hated man in America. MAGAs support the larger checks because Trump mentioned it, Democrats support the checks because people NEED the funds. No idea why this ghoul in a meat suit feels the need to play the villain and be the one person to push against it.