
Let’s not forget allowing guns to be carried into federal district court and SCOTUS proceedings and that they should be open to the general public.

Even if he is a satanist, isn’t that his right to free speech? Or does free speech only mean whatever “Christians” make up to oppress people 

Certainly, if cops aren’t trained to deescalate situations outside of crime (i.e mental crises), it’s doubtful they know how to handle children.

I’m shocked that ‘pleading the fifth’ isn’t considered an admission of guilt seeing as it’s the right to withhold to prevent SELF INCRIMINATION. It’s an admission that you broke the law, but won’t provide evidence to allow a conviction.

Imagine the outrage if states tried to make vasectomies illegal.

I am in an IT support position and we’re doing a MAJOR lift and shift of our DNS in...24 minutes.

Antibodies Hate Chris.

And Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them”

really, this would be the holiday to really highlight efforts to raise minimum wage and encourage tipping (plus increasing wages so tipping isn’t needed in the future). it’s also something that should be considered daily, but especially around this apparent “gift” to workers.

I read an interesting bit on Malicious Compliance about how to effectively make a data set useless... and while it is tempting to harass high profile figures, most data managers can easily account for that.  They key is to flood the database with random, inconsistent, poorly structured data such that the data set as

Can someone tell me what would stop someone from, ohhh say hypothetically, claiming that Greg Abbott’s wife aided and abetted someone in getting an abortion and taking her to court? Or Greg Abbott himself? Or Ted Cruz? Or Heidi? Can pro-choice activists just hit all of these people with lawsuits (that would probably

The local DA didn’t get mugged, but he’s the one who brings the action.

As a Texan, a lawyer, and a fiercely pro-choice individual, there is nothing about this law that I don’t fucking despise, including the people who wrote it, the people who voted for it, and especially the contemptible assholes who will end up enforcing it by suing doctors and clinics

It’s not a mask requirement.  The dress code requires that a students mouth and nose be covered at all times along with their shoulders.  Dress codes aren’t illegal, republicans love them.

yup. 100% this. 

He’s now claiming he can’t share the “evidence” because evil hackers will then do bad things to it. 

it will be up to the door person at each place, which means every door person’s life just got infinitely harder.

I love your use of the word “specious.” Not enough folks are true wordsmiths such as yourself. I like the usename too. Orson Scott Card much? Lol. 

Not really. The only reason we’re not at near collapse now is because we’re not experiencing the heat wave most of the rest of the country is. The grid is barely hanging together now, during an “average” August. If we were hit with a heat wave anything like the rest of the country, the grid would absolutely collapse.

Facebook Evidence’ is going to be my new punk band name.