
You are correct, there are going to be a lot of post-hospital expenses that will come up after having a foot amputated. Still doesn’t really excuse the fact that our healthcare system does not take that part into account - the fact that we have to choose between paying an arm and a leg up front (low deductible/high

So, even someone who works for the government and should have a pretty nice health care package is experiencing ridiculous medical bills that they can’t afford? I thought that having other people pay for your medical bills was evil “socialism”, but I guess that only applies when it’s the Government paying for it via

the old Terastation NAS I have did not have good luck with hot-swapping a failed drive a couple years back, apparently it had fits trying to format a matching 2TB drive to be exactly the same size as the 2TB drive it was replacing... kept giving me errors and would not rebuild the array. Wound up having to scrape a

I recently built a new homebrew NAS server using SSD drives for ~10TB of space. The drives were pricey, but it’s a media NAS so very limited write cycles (basically drop files on the NAS once and then Plex just reads the shows/movies) so I have little fear on the shorter life of writing to the drives. This article was

One of the MULTITUDE of problems with the way that FB has handled all of the groups and pages spreading misinformation (including Bannon’s) has been the way they just close the group, but leave all of the members and even the admins around to simply form a new group (often with the same name or just a 2.0 on the end)

Some of the reports I saw showed the armed individuals making note of license plates or other identifying information as they saw people pulling up to go vote. Not sure how they were planning to use that info, but in my opinion it definitely counts as intimidation when you see someone openly carrying a firearm and

only the legal calls count...

if Trump loses, how will the next 3 months be much different from the rest of his term? He hasn’t passed a new healthcare bill (that he’s been promising is right around the corner), he didn’t get Mexico to pay for his wall, he made NO attempt to listen to scientists and get COVID under control, he couldn’t even

sadly, you are correct. Every single business in America exists for a single purpose: to make money. Whether it is for shareholders or just the sole owner of a single company, none of them are out there just to give people jobs or to make the world a better place.

Don't forget that they are also rolling back environmental protections, so the issues in this article will factor greatly in how fast they jump on taking care of this.

nah, for it to be most effective you have to vape it

using neti pots or other saline washes/sprays to clear out allergens is a commonly accepted practice, but that is a simple wash solution that does not disinfect your sinuses (from what I have read about them).
Looking at Alkalol, it uses essential oils and ingredients like Menthol that open sinuses and make them feel

Lifehacker legal disclaimer - this site does not in any way endorse rinsing sinuses with mouthwash, and any video evidence of the attempt will be submitted to America’s Funniest Home Videos

more trolling... no one claimed masks “cured” anything, they are used to reduce the spread. Try an original approach for once.

I’ve seen some people touting this as a “cure” since it will kill the germs and viruses that are exposed to the mouthwash... but one thing they are forgetting is that generally you don’t flush your sinuses with mouthwash (breathing through your nose would pull the virus up into your nasal cavity instead of your

and the proof will promptly be ignored, like all of the studies showing the effectiveness of masks in preventing infectious people from spreading their germs/virus.

We can’t elect Biden, he would LIsTeN tO sCieNTisTS!

at this point, the people who aren’t convinced that COVID is serious won’t have their mind changed by anything short of them laying in the hospital with a respirator attached, and even then they would probably find some other reason to think it isn’t so bad.
Even if Drump were to pull a 180 and start holding press

that was one of the reasons that so many people voted for him, Trump spoke his mind and meant what he said. Over the last 4 years we have needed multiple people to have a full time job of clarifying and spinning and stepping back almost everything that he has said, tweeted, claimed, etc because he either was joking or