
it has its moments, but overall is fairly overrated. A few of the jokes do apply though...

Damn it Wolowitz, why didn’t you test the toilet with your mom’s meatloaf?

Im not going to argue with you, I will just point out one thing. Contact tracing apps have 0 effect on disease spread, all they do is keep track of who you might have exposed (after exposure has taken place). The mask on the other hand has a greater than 0 chance to potentially block some of the virus particles that

they have the same problem when the mothership (Amazon) sells stuff like this on Woot. Always called “solar” when the device for sale does not have the solar component.

they have the same problem when the mothership (Amazon) sells stuff like this on Woot. Always called “solar” when

spend hours detailing your character including facial hair, cool tribal tattoos, detailed hair work and textures... immediately equip face mask, hood, long sleeve armor...

Those steps are not perfect, but that made it much less likely for you to have spread the disease to others after you had gotten sick. We have video proof that Trump refuses to wear masks as much as possible, including removing his mask as soon as he returned to the WH (which is full of other people for him to infect)

I had to stop listening at the Covid death rate question when Pence did everything BUT answer the question. It was obvious then that he had no intention of actually debating, he’s just going off on random non-tangents until his time runs out and he can feel good about patting Trump’s back for doing nothing.

as soon as news broke that Trump had tested positive, we all KNEW that he would spin it as a PR boost when he magically recovered. Was he really sick? We don’t know for sure but some of the videos sure look like he was not doing very well. Is he really “cured”? Well, since we don’t have an actual CURE for the virus

Unfortunately it’s more likely to be the common staff working with these politicians who will suffer the most from the virus. If the politicians get sick, they still get full pay, plus they get some of the best healthcare money can buy in the US. The staff on the other hand, probably don’t get all the same benefits.

Key differences - did you wear a mask? Did you try to stay distant from people and take precautions like frequent hand washing?

They are just scared that Trump will see all the nasty messages about him and threaten sanctions against Twitter. If this was truly about not allowing posts wishing death or bad things against others, then certain people would have been banned from Twitter years ago and people of other colors or genders wouldn’t have

more accurate title “Reduce your cord count by 1” since this charging pad still requires a cord and only has space to charge 2 devices, I mean a phone and a watch, at once...

more accurate title “Reduce your cord count by 1” since this charging pad still requires a cord and only has space

The real question is, did they REALLY catch it, or is this a PR stunt so he has an excuse for any poor debate performance (I thought I saw that he was going to keep it on the schedule) and so he can get a boost and claim to be cured in a couple weeks...?

I guess I’m lucky - the district that we are in recently put a COVID tracker on their website that lists the number of cases per school. It’s updated once a week, but at least there is something for those of us who want to keep an eye on it before committing to sending a child to in-person lessons (they let us choose

“If you don’t feel safe, don’t go,”- that works OK for a football game, but when businesses start to open up and require that their workers come in to offices without proper safety precautions, it’s a classic “rock vs hard place” situation. Especially when the decision was made that if businesses opened, then

our school has a myriad of apps/sites as well. Some video lessons are hosted in the Canvas app. Others are linked through Kids Youtube. Others are... wherever they land I guess. Some assignments have to be done in SeeSaw (which has MAJOR problems recording audio for reading assessments), others are done in a reading

My daughter (first grade) started out doing pretty well with the online schooling, but this last week has been a real test for both of us.

The officer did not know about the outstanding warrants at the time of the physical assault. They had no idea the identity of this person when he was accosted and beaten senseless. Or are you merely insinuating that the mere fact of felony warrants waives any rights to not getting the shit beat out of you by law

I guess I am lucky - my 6 year old is excited and bugs me asking when the next call with her teacher is. It might help that she likes school (first grade, this will change) and the teacher has them doing fun stuff on the calls like singing and the scavenger hunts, and stuff like that to keep them engaged. Plus the

the difference is that those of other religions are a lot more tolerant than the Christians who think that somehow wishing a happy holiday is an insult to Xmas (the celebration of which was stolen from the Pagans and not really tied to Jesus’s birth anyway).