
While rationalizing the term “parent” to be more related to “caregiver” than to biological birth may work for adults, a young child might not really be able to equate “give this to your parents” to mean the same as “give this to those that are taking care of you”. I think the phrasing of “grown ups” is more for the *li

that account is an obvious troll account made for posting shit like that. Feels like there should be some moderation before new accounts should be allowed to post and obvious names should auto-flag as garbage and be rejected.

technically at some point everyone had parents, but some of them may not have their parents anymore and might be taken care of by another relative like aunt/uncle/grandparent. This is not “pandering”, this is simply choosing to find a way to be more inclusive to those that might not still have parents, or that might

something I find kind of telling is the “comorbitities” list of other conditions that the deceased people suffered from at the time of their death. Some of the conditions listed are extremely common in America, chiefly Hypertension (high blood pressure) and Obesity. Nearly half of Americans suffer from one or both of

I would recommend setting up a new VERY low limit Credit card in your name and make them an authorized signer instead. Doing that will actually get them to start a credit history very early (makes it easier to get a better rate on a real card later in life), learn the importance and impact of interest (try to pay it

While I do feel that trying to make a full time job out of a gig-job like driving for Uber/Lyft is probably not the best choice, your phrasing feels very dismissive and seems to blame the workers, kind of like the people who argue against higher minimum wage by blaming those who accepted the jobs at the low pay.

I agree with killahkosha, if your business model depends on screwing over your “employees” in order to turn a profit, be it by paying super low wages or denying benefits or however, then you need to take a good long look at the way you do business. The gig economy wasn’t too bad until people started having to rely on

what color would Crazy be? I know Envy is green, Anger is red, Sadness is blue, etc. 

The US will not shut down again, too many people (including those in power but also sadly common people who disregard science) are resigned to the fact that thousands more will die just so that they can send kids to school, get their hair cut, and get their morning lattes. They think wearing a mask is akin to slavery,

If schools reopen, how do they handle if a student suddenly tests positive? Do they have every student in their class quarantine at home for 14 days? Does the teacher have to quarantine too? Do those 14 days come out of their Sick Time?

If a teacher comes up positive, does the entire class quarantine, or do they try

If only the people using these cards could be fined for... I dunno, misappropriation of federal seals or misrepresenting a government entity (since they claim it is issued by the federal gov). I mean, if someone shows up at your business asking for your tax papers and shows documentation claiming to be from the IRS,

one favorite suggestion I’ve seen for those with small children, teach your child to loudly point at the maskless individuals and ask “Mommy/Daddy - why isn’t that person wearing a mask? Do they want my grandma to get sick and die?”

Of course, this could lead to embarrassment if the person has a legitimate medical

You’re right, most people who aren’t wearing a mask won’t magically say “oh, I didn’t think I needed one, I’ll put one on now”. 

this is soon to be an even hotter topic, across Texas counties are starting to issue orders that businesses are responsible for making sure all employees AND visitors are masked, and that the business can be fined if they are found to be allowing maskless visitors.

does malpractice insurance still kick in if the doctor does something blatantly stupid and negligent? I understand it is used if an honest mistake happens and complications arise during surgery, but would it pay out if the doctor was operating while drunk or intentionally did something idiotic like in my example? I’m

If a doctor puts you under anesthesia for an appendix removal, but decides as long as he’s in there to go ahead and remove a perfectly healthy gall-bladder and carves his initials in your lungs with a scalpel... Doctor would get sued, lose his license and possibly get arrested.

People are already pointing at the mass protests saying “why can they protest but we can’t go back to work or get a haircut!?!?!”, so you know that if a certain political party felt their “rights” to hold political rallies were “infringed upon” there would be a massive uprising of... well, Republicans. 

But, I thought the virus was a vicious hoax and not dangerous at all? If the campaign is worried about lawsuits, does that mean they were incorrect about the severity of the hoax virus?

I have not seen any confrontations in public about masks, just heard stories from friends and the interwebs.

Billionaire willfully violates government directives, literally calling them out on Social Media to come arrest him. If he’s arrested, he’s a martyr and his stock goes through the roof. If they don’t arrest him, it emboldens him for future schemes that put company profits over the law (health mandates by local governme