
a few years ago my father was stuck in the hospital for a couple of weeks because of how his insurance worked. He had to be given injections of blood thinners every few hours, and rather than approve either a home-health nurse to come by and do the injections at home, or approve providing the medication and short

Atlantis? No, no... we said Atlanta would pay for it...

So... Spending our tax dollars on social programs like Medicare or education is Evil, but spending it to prop up failing industries is Good? I'm trying to see things their way, but I cant get my head that far up my ass.

queue The Simpsons’ Mrs. Lovejoy:
“Won’t somebody think of the executives?!

technically there are already steps in place to protect people from the flu. There are vaccines that are “somewhat” effective and “reasonably” available.

don’t forget Fakebook likes so that Little Timmy will recover faster.

what’s more important, protecting HUMAN LIVES or the profits of bloated drug companies that already jack up lifesaving medication costs by obscene percentages?

how is this different from the US withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and saying as a country we will continue to pollute regardless of climate impact? Glass stones and throwing houses...

they always couch it in different terms, like infrastructure upgrades or transmission fees

the problem with this is that unless you are NO LONGER a Charter customer, you will wind up paying for this fine through rate hikes. It won’t really hurt the bottom line of the company or the executives who made the decisions.

except... isn’t it illegal to ask those questions in job interviews or to use that information to discriminate in hiring?

sorry, I guess I should specify that my OPO had the same issue on Cyanogen, and my old Galaxy (original model) did as well. I don’t trust the battery life readings most of the time, as it will tell me I have 27 hours left when if it continues on the current trend it will be drained in 8.

You say it is easy to see what uses the battery in Android, but sometimes those battery indicators are WAY off. My android phone (OPO running OxygenOS, used to be Cyanogen versions) has always had wildly inconsistent battery readings. I can unplug from charger at 6am, and sometimes by 9am it will show down to 70% with

nope, string theory is still science.


sorry, Gravity is based on Science, which this individual does not believe in. Therefore it is obviously a combination of... you know, I can’t even fake an answer that would fit this insanity.

I would love if they kept the “corrupted save file” if you catch MissingNo. Wipe out all that effort and walking, but it would be true to the original.

I would like to point out that other sellers have similar products on sale for a couple bucks cheaper. I picked up some of these for $8.99 (still a 5-pack) https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Manageme… and they look to be the exact same product with slightly better reviews.

I would like to point out that other sellers have similar products on sale for a couple bucks cheaper. I picked up