
I think these would work very well in office buildings, I hate those fluorescent tubes with a passion.

Sure, $500 for a baby monitor. Sounds reasonable. Or, I could just buy a normal baby monitor for about $70...

I loved listening to Avi from Pentatonix sing the Misty Mountains song. In all the videos I found he never does the whole thing but he has that awesome low bass that just rumbles with the song.

He seems like he could be a rather nice guy, but he can pull off the evil glare pretty well and is physically intimidating enough that I could see him going up against someone like Supes with no problem. I would watch a Lobo movie with Dwayne in it.

I always play it with no sound for this reason.

So they are playing off the TV/Movie/Book/Comic/Game/Everything trope where every bad guy feels the need to spout the entire plan to the "helpless" hero because they are sure of their victory... Sounds about right to me?

Sad thing is, I remember going to Six Flags and seeing the "concert" of this. Fun for a kid, thinking back I feel very sorry for subjecting my parents to something like that though...

My wife and I have noticed something annoying about the HP movies. We purchased the "extended editions" and yet when they are shown on TV they sometimes include scenes that are missing from our movies. We got the individual movies instead of the collection like this, but it just seems odd that the Extended edition is

Classic knee-jerk reaction that is sadly typical of government bodies... How many of these fires have actually been near courses?

You do look a little funny doing it, but I'll be darned if it didn't work a little. Not perfect, but better than nothing.

Tampering with physical mail may be a federal offense, but if it is the Feds that are doing it, have they ever held themselves accountable for it? I would say that they would do like with monitoring emails and say it is for national security and that they cannot be questioned about it.

I would love an affordable form of this that could be used for home insulation. I have looked it up online and it is still just a little bit too expensive for consumer purchase, but throw a layer of this inside walls and around the attic and your heating/cooling bills should drop drastically.

How convenient that they just happened to find some money laying around... I wonder if they will magically "find" the rest of what was "stolen"

I wonder what the relative R value is compared to normal foam insulation.

The party voting lines are not the worst of it, how would the Senate and Congress handle the new states? Would we adjust the number of members of each, or just add new seats for the new states? And what about the local state government? This would just be a nightmare all around.

Why don't they just ask the NSA to pull the records from... wait, they won't pull records on themselves. That is just silly.

I loved playing D2 but I was strictly a solo player, I never even logged into Bnet to sell/trade items. I did however play WoW for a while (about 8 years ago) and the AH there was almost as broken as in D3. I guess I'm just not much of a team player, which is why I would kill for an offline mode. Would be great to

True, but I would just think that with as bad a reputation as they have gotten, especially since the Snowden fiasco, that they would at least want to throw something out there that says "Hey, you may hate what we do, but thanks to all the monitoring we have prevented X possible attacks, found X, Y and Z leaders of

Rather than use the AH, you ought to be able to share items with people you play with constantly, are in your clan, etc. Have a "friends list" that allows you to trade items with those people only or something.

You make a fair point, the fact that people have to go through more layers of security checks now seems to be the main "advantage" of TSA. However, it does not excuse them from some of the atrocious behavior that has been all over the news. Anyway, I may have opened up a can of worms by mentioning the TSA, so I will