
I normally don't mind the online bit, but late last week when there were major server lags I was cursing Diablo and his soulstone to an eternity in Lag Purgatory.

farming white items is actually pretty easy. Find an area with a lot of armor/weapon racks, those almost always have white pieces. Good places are Act 1 - the Cathedral or the Skeleton King's area, or Act 4 - pretty much everywhere. I agree not as much fun as getting Legendaries and not as easy as buying supplies on

NSA is about like the TSA. How many terrorists has the TSA actually caught at airports with weapons? Now how many people have they caused to miss flights or throw away harmless items like shampoo or water bottles because they were too large to be allowed?

EA's official stance - Offline mode is impossible, we will never enable that. 1 year later - Here's offline mode, quit complaining.

So the answer to this is for everyone to make a &%^$-ton of calls every day so the NSA is having to store 10x as much as before and then sift through all that crap in order to find anything useful.

you can't give Common Debris, but you can give white items that can be salvaged to CD. The hard part to get is the legendary Fiery Brimstone since new Legendary items are account bound, you can't drop those for someone else to salvage. I made a killing selling FB the last few days the AH was open, that stuff was going

In some ways I like the AH, it was a good way to unload some of the items pre-Loot 2.0 that were completely useless to my characters. After Loot 2.0 they changed it to where the items dropped were more geared towards the character you were using, that helped a lot.

My wife has nearly punched people who thought they had the right to rub her belly. Pretty much all of the points in the article are exactly what we have been going through. People I don't know have been talking to us about their pregnancies and going into details that ought not be shared in public, but for some odd

I started a new job at the beginning of the year and so I did censor myself quite a bit at first. I have been told by many people that I can come across as a bit abrasive and sarcastic so I at least wanted to get a feel for the environment before I was my normal self.

Hmm, how will this affect Apple? Most phones these days seem to use the Micro USB standard (at least they do now...) but Apple has always had their own plug. They recently went from the wide plug to the Lightning adapter, still different from Micro USB.

Time to start stocking up on Rad-X...

Hmm, those did not show up when I was searching earlier. To me the slightly yellowed background over the whole area that had ads was easier, plus ads were generally the first 2-3 links that showed up. I would tell them to just skip the first ones by default.

I'm going to just go ahead and throw a "no shit" out there. Are they surprised that thousands of mirrors reflecting a ton of sunlight becomes bright and makes it hard for pilots? Did they not think to either make sure it was out of flight paths or at least in an area where pilots were not catching the light when

Agreed, the old comments were easier to read (I liked the columns).

The biggest problem that I have with the new Google look is the lack of evidence of sponsored posts and advertisements. My usual instructions for people to do something like install AVG was to Google search it, then skip the links marked as Ads. Now the ads are much harder to avoid for normal users.

2 things. First, if you do Flash Thompson as Venom, then he is not the "Lethal Protector" or whatever. That version of Venom is basically a government agent, nothing more. I feel that they have to at least start with Eddie Brock to really introduce the character, maybe including how he loses his wife (after the

I would like to submit virtually any Dilbert cartoon for this as well. Perhaps this one:

Instead of freezing breath, he would have firehose ..., you get the picture.

Hmm, I would guess Wasp, who might die at the end of the movie and then be reborn as Jocasta (since she was based on he brain patterns and personality...). But at this point, pretty much anyone is fair game.

I wonder if there is a way to determine the hash or some identifier of the "stolen" bitcoins and then put a note out there on all exchanges that would flag transactions with those specific coins? That would certainly make this type of theft less attractive, but it may go against the purpose of the currency...