
I can see Cap doing this stuff no problem as the serum made him the peak of human fitness. He picks up new skills almost as well as people like Taskmaster who have photographic reflexes.

unrepentant asshole, will he be played by Hugh Laurie?

I have read some of the comics, have never watched any of these shows. I didn't know how close they were sticking to the comics and Deadshot has gone through a few different incarnations anyway, none of them with a getup like this one.

I guess it is hard to tell in the picture, but if that is an eyepatch then how in the world is he using the scope with that eye? If it is some kind of high-tech monocle, then why does it look opaque instead of clear?

I would love to see this series in either movie or tv show form. I love how the arc covers multiple eras and everything ties in together with all the characters being connected throughout the ages.

I have that same question about all of these fines. When Janet's boob got flashed at the superbowl, where did the money from the fines go? Fines for the fleeting obscenities at awards shows? Who benefits when things like this happen? It's not like they send a dollar out to everyone who saw/heard the outrageous

Well, I suppose this will be a problem with any new currency trying to be taken seriously. Until it is widely accepted, then it is a niche market and people will laugh about it and not care. And until there is some kind of regulation and/or guarantee for putting your "money" into a bank like the FDIC (I know, it would

So John Cusack in another Stephen King movie with Samuel L Jackson. They did well in 1408, here's hoping they can pull it off again.

I can just see the scrap metal that would result from these

Ours are not the simplest taxes to do, we have been taking medical expense deductions and have 4 W-2's to enter, but doing ourselves is not too bad. The last few times we went to H&R Block to get our taxes done I realized that the screens they used looked exactly the same as the ones I had played with seeing what the

What they need to do is plan on bringing it to any area that either doesn't have decent broadband access (rural) or places where there are monopolies based on service type (basically everywhere else)...

Huh, mark me down as another one that was unsure about this movie but now mildly interested. I never could get into these comics but maybe the movie will be interesting.

Whoops, you are correct there. I misread a portion and thought it said video as well, but here is the section from the article: as long as your Android device is plugged in and Dormi is running, it'll listen and transmit audio

I hate to sound mean, but there is always going to be some problem with any kind of machinery and animals/nature. Wind turbines kill birds too. Coal plants create a lot of pollution, wave turbines will kill fish. This is all going to be a matter of acceptable losses.

Just from reading the article, I would say that this app basically turns a phone into a webcam. So if you have a spare phone to leave lying around running this app, technically it could be used for these purposes, just the same as any webcam or spycam.

These tips make a lot of sense during the winter, but during the summer months (at least in Texas) it would probably burn out the A/C or at least jack up the electric bill like mad to try and keep the house below 65...

So if the weight of a cat collapsed the roof, how would it have stood up to any type of weather, or even HUMANS walking around on top to, I don't know, check on things or repair any damages? Best that the shoddy workmanship was discovered by a cat and no one was hurt.

I just dealt with it for several years. I got pretty good at just bottling up the stress and then decompressing on the way home, but toward the end it was driving me to drink. I didn't want that, so the final step was to find a new job. Quitting is sometimes a luxury that not everyone can afford so my advice is to

One thing articles like these fail to take into account is the fact that usually there is a near monopoly on services like these. In my area, we are serviced by 1 cable company. The other options is AT&T at a much lower speed. Satellite is not viable due to latency and frequent drops. A T1 is also a much lower speed

I've been keeping the heat lower this winter and we've used space heaters/electric blankets/wood fireplace when possible instead of heating the whole house. I probably need to do some maintenance as there are some drafts and be better about vampire drains, I just have not gotten the gumption to actually work on that