
Oops, I did not see that part of the paragraph. I promise to read a bit more carefully in the future, thanks for correcting me on that.

Let's make a few adjustments to these to make them more realistic for some of us. How about we add $100-$200 a month for medical bills, another $300 for a car payment, utilities vary (my electric bill jumps from $100 to $350 depending on the weather), no one has Internet listed (usually at least $50).

Awesome, the US is about to adopt a technology that has been used in Europe for more than a decade (widely used since 2004) and already has known bugs and vulnerabilities. Why don't we push for a new standard rather than go with this?

I agree that something needs to be done as it is way too easy to scan and steal info

DUDE! Put me down for a copy of the PC version. This looks freaking awesome. Of course, I suck at teamwork so I would do best as the big beastie. Hopefully you can swap around the roles, I am sure it would get boring for the medic after a while...

I don't even play with LEGOs anymore but I would totally buy this!

Sheldon was right... Now to spend 3 more months at the North Pole!

Yeah, but that requires much more effort than just starting the car and letting it warm up </sarcasm>

I do like the vinegar solution to keep it from frosting, I am just too lazy to actually use it most of the time... Maybe I should invest in some de-icing washer fluid instead. Good call.

Thank you for posting these tips. Here in Texas we have a lot of people who are not used to driving on icy roads, and so it increases the risks. I lost track of the number of people I saw braking or trying to accelerate on an icy patch and start to lose control. If you just take your foot off all the pedals and let

I work as tech support for several banks and we started getting calls from the banks this morning about them getting notification about the leaked cards. One of our banks had about 200 users affected, another had over 500. This is going to be a major headache for our banks. I can only imagine what the larger

Not really a button, but what about the Oil Pressure gauge on the dash of a lot of vehicles? Unless you do some after-market mods, that gauge is useless until you drop down to basically less than a quart of oil in the vehicle, at which point there are usually several other indications that there is an issue. Annoyed

How about the android fragmentation. With Android phones, if you want the latest and greatest version of the software you basically have no choice but to purchase a brand new phone. There are ways to root the phone and load the new software yourself, but the carrier and phone maker should make it available to phones

I should submit pictures of the stands that my family has been building lately. We believe in being comfortable while we hunt. The last couple have been built out of freezer panels (5-8" insulated foam with aluminum on the outsides). Since we no longer have a house to stay at over the hunting weekends, we also build

Stolen from NotAlwaysWorking - I would choose the power to make people experience bowel movements at will. Piss me off, and you are now sitting in a pile of your own feces.

My wife cooks almost every evening. Since it is just the 2 of us, that generally means that there are 2 servings of leftovers for the next day (now that I have cut back my portion size from fill the entire plate to a normal portion). Since she has already cooked the food, the leftovers are not exactly free but they

I was coming here to post something similar, I wonder if Raj would be able to talk to her...

Took a few seconds on the shark, the heart was easy.

I could totally see Jim Carey as Cletus Kassidy. That would be freakin' awesome as he plays crazy so well. Even if it is just a rumor I wish they would roll with it.

I had the same thought, have just enough permeability to allow light to go in but reflect it to prevent it from escaping. That or a light source inside the sphere. If it can't escape and more light goes in, shouldn't it reach a theoretical maximum at some point?

Could I ask a question? Why are we looking for the skeleton of the model for the Mona Lisa? Do they think that DaVinci stored the next clue to the Holy Grail in her corpse? I am just confused why someone would feel the need to dig up dead bodies that have been buried for centuries just to see if she was the woman in