
Since this was a public performance, are they going to have to pay royalties for it?

Oh lord. Older Batman, they are going to bring George Clooney back for it.

How about Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince series? It could be the next Game of Thrones style show with just a little less nudity (not that i have a problem with it, just that these books don't have as much). Since the Dragon Prince is over 3 books and the follow-up Dragon Star is another 3 books it could easily make for

Just jumped on this. Played the first one on PS3 but I do better with PC's for shooter-style games. This is by far the best deal I have found for BL2 and getting the DLC and BL1 GOTY just sealed the deal.

When I worked for the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America years ago, I had to learn how to read brands. People were required to put an image of the brand on the paperwork they sent in to register their animals and some people would forget, so I would be told "It's the lazy J brand" or the "Rocking R" and

Just makes me laugh that every incarnation of the JL has the exact same characters. I can maybe see the Batman mantle being passed down and a GL being there because of the Corps, but another Flash, Superman and Wonder Woman? I agree with the comment of let's get some new heroes instead of new versions of old ones...

Beta Ray Bill

E.T. trying to phone home?



Ok, so he started to not enjoy the job, put in his 2 weeks, then stopped coming in on/time, etc. No wonder they dropped the contract before the end of the 2 weeks. I understand being in what started out as a good environment and then feeling like the company doesn't appreciate you, and I am full-time salaried. But as

True, but in Flashpoint there were a ton of "deaths" that got re-written when the Flash went back and prevented the Flashpoint timeline from happening. With Zoom's history and ability to time travel, there is no telling what has happened to him now.

Ok, you might have a point with using the ocean as it is mostly unexplored and full of interesting areas, but with them being so isolated from most other heroes there it is a little more difficult and very few people can relate to the characters (my opinion). I definitely agree with your Robin comment though, but they

So, I am amazed I have not seen a Namor or an Aquaman post yet. Those guys are almost the same and neither one of them have really been very popular that I have seen. Of the 2, I like Namor better just because he admits to being a douche. Then again, he does have the speedo outfit and ankle wings as strikes against

Assuming that someone only wants DRM-free files only to pirate is like assuming that someone only wants a gun in order to kill another person. There are several reasons to want DRM-free files for your content. The biggest one I can think of is that you can watch it any time with no access to the internet and no one

Coworker and I compared at the beginning of the year, only because we were surprised to have both gotten rather substantial bumps in pay. I don't make a habit of discussing my pay because I suspect most of the people at my office make more than me and do a lot less work, but that is between them and management.

Am I the only one who first read this like it would be a headline from The Onion? Instead of just suing people like Apple has been doing, now cops are being called to raid offices... This is just getting out of hand.

I've said it before and I will say it again. Until some of these graphene "technologies" are actually in production then I don't really care. Kind of like how we have seen possible technologies of improved batteries or car tires with spokes/honeycomb pattern to not go flat but they never reach the market, this is just

I can see how some people would like this. At least they would have a record of what they did in a blind drunk stupor.