
Butt Science. Heh heh heh heh.

The "Irish home for unwed mothers" was a Catholic home for unwed mothers. Three paragraphs in until you mention this was "Church-run" home and only one mention on Catholic in reference to the fact that the fuckers didn't even give these kids what the fucking Church owed them?

Lol ♪ that's so Gwyneth ♫

well maybe she had a surgery to bring her virginity back for the wedding.

Second sentence, that's "Gloomy Sunday" #correction

I think we should turn our mockery from Kim and Kanye to people buying physical copies of magazines

Kids have to be rear-facing until two now?

Wait, I am so confused. What is the purpose of having a women's only online college?

You don't need a pre nup if all you have is $17.00. You need some one wtih more money to marry you without a prenup.

I can't think of a single reason for a spanking. A grab by the arm if the kid is trying to run into traffic? Hell yeah. But a spanking? No.

I'm so over "My parents spanked me and I turned out fine" — my parents did not spank me and I turned out fine, too. Move along.

I'm not one of those "I was spanked and I'm fine!" people, I'm one of the "I was abused and it was called spanking" people. So I don't think this bill sounds perfect, but a legal definition of spanking that takes the belts, brushes, or other weapons out of the hands of the adult sounds like a step in the right

I will be keeping an eye on this story..

We highlight and use post-it notes, it is a very academic endeavor.

This is a different guy - he played Seth Cohen on the OC. I think you're referring to Dan, played by Penn Badgely.
