We should probably do a kickstarter to buy them whatever kind of fancy ventilation type stuff they need to make the toxic chili cloud go high in the sky, or whatever it is that they do for stinky factories.
They are in heaven with my two furry babies <3
Oh my god, that was the greatest thing I've ever seen. That pug... just... wow.
My head just exploded from cuteness. The one that made me crack up hard was the great danes. They just looked so defeated and bummed out and resigned to their big ol fate of no bed.
You guys, I literally cried through the entire Glee episode. I think I maybe stopped crying for like two minutes. My eyes are a disaster this morning.
I just want to climb in there and put my head in the middle and snuggle my way out. Rinse and repeat!
Please cancel the Bethanny show (I can't stand her). She really did blow it, the messy divorce is what will ultimately bring her down. She has diarrhea of the mouth, she just could not stop talking trash about her ex husband and then conveniently staging photo ops in New York with her daughter and various expensive…
Lindsay's Center will be called"No Promises".
Khardashian's Kancelled? Kool!
Very sad. They need to bottle feed those kittens and at least one more momma cat. She is tiny and clearly distressed. Those poor kittens are very hungry as well.
I'm actually finding this video sad. yep, it makes me wanna cry.
I LOVE Merritt. She's always been my favorite person on Nurse Jackie and seeing her pop up on New Girl was a delight.
They should really just host all the things.