Get your facts straight Splinter. The Jewish lawyer she was thinking of was not the Doug Jones supporter but a different lawyer who isn’t really Jewish
Get your facts straight Splinter. The Jewish lawyer she was thinking of was not the Doug Jones supporter but a different lawyer who isn’t really Jewish
Forget it. People like iculookin only think oppression happened to black people.
What is so hard for you to understand? Your complaints are objectively false, and then you get defensive when people point this out.
I feel jump scares are a completely different experience in VR. Depending on the game, reslly feels like you’re being threatened rather than just suprised.
Didn’t a woman win the year before?
Alright, everyone in literature accross the entire world, please wait at least a year to die.
Are you serious?
There must be at least a million books written on the correct way of parenting.
That is exactly true and to say otherwise is the complete denial of reality.
What a complete worthless piece of shit he is.
I prefer the story of Edward Motors who rose to the top ranks in the army before starting a successful auto company.
I think Trump being president shows America isn’t trying to fix anything
Thank you! When I first read this new story on CNN, I was frustrated that the story was his apology, not that he believes weather control exists.
Something either wasn’t caught despite all that tech or something went wrong in construction. Second option is most likely I think.
I think you’d expect this from something brand new in most cases because if there is a flaw in the design or construction of the bridge it would become apparent sooner rather than later.
Wait a minute. I thought this whole nun thing was that they wanted to keep the convent open. But what they really want is to sell it someone different?!
Has anyone tried tracing back your maternal family side through records?
Seriously, now I really want a horror themed Stardew Valley type game.
Hannity’s followers think it triggers liberals because Hannity says so. I got in this argument at work with a coworker who wouldn’t believe that people don’t get offended when you don’t say “Happy Holidays”. The only people getting offended are the ones are upset at the use of “Happy Holidays”. He refused to…