With Hillary things wiuld only get mildly better instead of moderately better! How can you support a candidate like that?
With Hillary things wiuld only get mildly better instead of moderately better! How can you support a candidate like that?
They aren’t true fans if they don’t immediately change thier opinion to match Trump’s.
It certainly sounded like M’Baku said a Hindu monkey god name. Is there a similar African god? Her point it wouldn’t make sense for a isolated East African nation to have influences from West Africa, or a North African nation to have the same art as a South African culture. Depending on whereever Wakanda is supposed…
My wife didn’t like how Wakanda used parts of cultures from all over Africa (and a Hindu god?). She felt it was no different then making an movie that takes place in Asia and they used whatever asian thing they felt was cool, no matter how far apart the cultures were. She seems to be the only one though.
The more “knowledgeable about guns” argument is maybe the best example of just wasting time instead of talking about anything important tatic pro gun people use
What the fuck is with all the pro-dictatorship people in these comments
I remembering first encountering that in Oslo. I was just standing there at the entrance, unsure of what to do.
I know its the first thing I check when looking for hotels on Travelocity.
Because your not drunk
When you pay to stay at the Ritz-Carlton, you expect the awnings to be durable.
Yes, this article is scary in the fact it sees no reason to protect the FBI from the Republicans.
A major crisis brews as we approach a generation that won’t get Simpsons references
I can see the problem with bar trivia. The correct answer might conflict with their world view.
Sigh, should I even bother asking what a collectivist game is?
The witness was never interviewed by police in 1981, and her story only came out recently in a TV interview. She claims she received a threatening note to “keep quiet about she knows” back in 1981. So the witness’ story isn’t that airtight either.
Trump calling for everyone to agree on supporting his destructive policies is not a call for bipartisanship.
Being anti-Trump is not a poltical bias, it is the default human state.
Wow, and just think that is 150 souls of meter readers, plumbers, girl scouts, census takers, etc.