
Someone put this video to Benny Hill’s theme post-haste!

C’mon guys, we went over this in 1865 and again in 1965. Federal Law > State Law. It’s not that hard.

Let us all follow in this bros bro-steps.

Aussies are nice (though beware of Bogans). It’s just that all of the animals around them that are horrible.

Essentially children who are trained to be sociopaths by parents who believe that nothing their kids do or say is ever wrong or bad because of their indigo aura blah blah higher consciousness/frequency blah blah new age pseudo-spiritual bullshit.

Sounds like the sort of person who could save money on a colonoscopy with a self examination.

We talking Mel Gibson or Tom Hardy Mad Max?

Now playing

Immediately thought of this when I heard the kid’s name.

You’re mistaking a fedora for a top hat and MRAs for silent but deadly Korean henchmen.

“a clear sales pitch: beauty, sexuality, and a specific look above all. They’re selling themselves on looks alone, as a commodity.”

Do you know where I could find a list of meat suppliers that rates them as good, ok, or bad in terms of how healthy their product is (relative horomone/preservative amount, health and safety violations, etc.)?

The Guantanamo Bay approach has many applications outside of dealing with suspected terrorists.

Cold club soda. Don’t rub it in.

That and nipple bleeding.

Are there any eps that would pass the Mako Mori test?

My theory is that today’s republicans are yesterday’s burnt out hippies who still retain the idea that, like, the universe has a plan, man. If you don’t force it and just let things happen, everything will turn out ok. Hence, their infatuation with lassez-faire economics, deregulation, small government, etc.

# of girls banged is easily quantifiable. Who gives best head is subjective.

Does anyone else look at the bride and think evil queen/wicked stepmother from Snow White?

There’s a prof at Michigan State doing sociological work on this intersectionality (though his name escapes me). Looking at it from an in-group out-group (white or POC) and male female perspective, the heirarchy he came up with was white male, white female, POC female, POC male. His reasoning for ranking things that

I think real shrines are where it’s at.