enaminnie again...

Yeah, we’ve spent the past couple of months being told that remain voters are sore losers who just need to accept the outcome of a lawful referendum, only for them to strop when the government is made to follow the correct lawful process.

Similar but different situation.

Being several months down that road post Brexit, I unfortunately have to warn you things are going to be rough for a while. Following the same trajectory as Leave voters, Trumpletons will most likely be sore winners with fragile egos who explode into nasty temper tantrums every time another negative by-product of

As the old Jewish joke goes, whenever I’m feeling down, I read Der Sturmer. It tells me that my people are endlessly rich and run the world.


I want to ask the women in my FB feed who voted for him if they’re really okay with strange men grabbing their pussies. Which would be terrible, but still.

I live in Europe and I’m scared shitless the world is going to get nuked.

“Why can’t we just use nukes?”

Well, in that case, get better at this, America. Jesus.

It’ll never end, but Deadspin is sleeping on the couch for awhile.

Same in the UK - everything’s on paper and pencil.

UGH! You got further than I did.
It was the bro-iest thing I may have ever read:

Ashley Feinberg needs to be rescued and write for Jez imo.

Once I read that “neither candidate has any good proposals” I eye rolled hard. Stopped reading. I’d like debt free education k thx. How war hawk of me!

why is there a man in here

I asked her to clarify. She said it was needed “for identification.” Then I reported her for giving false information.

Heh, many people were outraged when they added Police Commissioners a few years ago in many places in the UK: how exactly can I judge who has the better funding allocation plans in an incredibly complicated and nuanced system like the police? It’s like asking me to vote on how much Amazon spends on R&D vs

Ah yes, the Jezebel oath. It’s a blood oath, obviously.

I’m going send Jez writers a few nice emails.

I just really appreciate this website and its writers. Everything from outstanding news coverage to Joanna wearing a tail is slowly leading to my getting fired for reading this at work and since my job sucks I’m cool with it.