add this to my growing list of “interesting documentaries that are WAY too heavy to watch knee-deep in a pandemic and possibly democracy-killing election cycle”.
add this to my growing list of “interesting documentaries that are WAY too heavy to watch knee-deep in a pandemic and possibly democracy-killing election cycle”.
I was very involved in local all ages music when I was in my teens and early twenties so I have been to my fair amount of house shows and kind of have an idea about how the good ones are run versus the bad ones. Which is why I was especially baffled and annoyed when my next door neighbors in the fourplex apartment…
This has been my favorite thing about this new collection.
I think it’s fine to suggest a schedule with times before hand and say I”m ok with doing somethings by myself, and if you want to sleep in, that’s fine, we can meet up at (place that seems easy to find) at noon.
Y’all. Daycare is expensive. Painfully so. We’re trying to get daycare lined up for our little one, since I’m only planning on taking 6-8 weeks for maternity leave. (Side note- any stories to help me decide between 6 vs. 8 weeks would be really helpful. I have no idea when I’ll feel ready, but I’m sure 6 is the…
This. Right. The. Fuck. Here.
I’m guessing that living in the Red Keep with Cersie/Joffery, living with her Aunt Lysa and Littlefinger has given Sansa a great cray-cray/bullshit detector.
I know this isn’t the larger point here, but good God, that is an ugly, badly-done tattoo. It looks like she went to some scratcher operating out of his kitchen. Although I suppose being stuck with that for life is a pretty fitting bit of justice, considering.
At least the first one portrays the vagina as an active participant and not just like...negative space to put something.
wonders if the allegations of sexual assault should disqualify Kavanaugh from serving on the Supreme Court “even if it’s all true.”
I’m glad of the vote result but Savita’s (in my opinion) murder was horrible. To be reduced to the status of an incubator for an already non-viable foetus, that was never ever going to be born a live baby is just horrible.
One can always look back at the 90's adaptation of Mansfield Park where it turns out that the cold, withholding dad is actually an EVIL SLAVE RAPING RAPIST who pressured his son into following in his dark, evil footsteps. That shit was heavy.
I care most that my brows are done, too. I can skip everything and not feel self-conscious EXCEPT my brows, those have to be tamed or else I feel conspicuous all day.
When your policies give Boris Johnson a chance to look sane and reasonable, there’s a problem.
Anyone else crying yet? I’m so fucking angry, and not a peep out of my country’s shitty unelected prime minister.
During the first Gulf War, three of my friends were minding their business walking on the sidewalk and a passing car called them “sand n*****s”. Since my friends were Indian, one of the helpfully shouted back, “No you moron, we’re from India, we’re dot heads.”
Pleasepleaseplease bring back Product Diary! Pretty please!