Yellow Beaver

I really wish the left would drop that angle. Even if you don’t want to tangle with the fact that the two consenting parties are an intern in her early twenties and the president, Clinton has also been sued for having state troopers escort a low-wage clerical employee to his hotel room, where he exposed himself to her

“But if Alabama elects liberal Democrat Doug Jones, all of our progress will be stopped cold.”

Hahahahaha you assume they will even admit the Russia allegations were true.
There is almost nothing that will get through to them. Thanks to “Fake news” they will dismiss anything that goes against their existing beliefs.

So if Trump is found to be indebted, if not out right controlled by, the Russians, do you think the republicans will give any thought to the fact that Russians thought a good way to bring down the U.S. was to promote “republican” values and legislation.

Embezzling, violating the constitution, using the office of a regulatory agency to deregulate a company he worked for.

Vote. Fucking vote. You have to fucking vote.

Democratic senators are going to force Al Franken to resign, and Repubs are going to welcome in a child molester that’s invariably going to win this election.

Over the past year? My dude, if you think it’s just recently happened, you haven’t been paying attention

The GOP sold its soul 35 years ago with Reagan. The rest is just shit circling down the drain into a herpes infected cesspool.

Token conservative here. I am absolutely appalled how the Republican party has sold it’s soul over the past year. Trump was bad, this is downright terrifying. How can the party claim to be the “Moral Majority” when they are backing a candidate who may be a serial child molester? It’s not like he took a couple free

Fuck Roy Moore.

out of curiosity, was this possibility raised at any point before the IOC banned Russia from the Winter Games? Because the idea that Donald is actually doing this to “be a bitch” is absolutely hilarious.

So? We clearly have a president who’s a racist sexist, isolationist, who’s purposely undermining the underpinnings of our democracy.

Yes, because being upset about pedophiles is sooo melodramatic.

I think you’ve got your sides mixed up, asshole.

You know, if idiots like you call any criticism of Israel antisemitism, the word is going to lose all meaning.

I’m Jewish. Don’t you dare speak for me. This is not anti semitism.

Hey Bibi.

lol it’s anti-semitic to point out that the Israeli government has been perpetuating a state of apartheid for decades?

 What do you mean? It pisses off liberals, which is the best possible outcome. Huge upside there.