Yellow Beaver

When was the last time a team did something really bold with a uniform update? I know the Browns changed their uniforms a few years back and it’s universally agreed that the new uniforms are awful, but they’re not a major departure from the old uniforms. The Dolphins and Jaguars slightly altered their logos a few

It’s a lot more equal in the federal government where 0 women have served as Vice President and 0 women have served as President. Equality!

First of all, I’m not a woman and I’m not white.

True, but Clinton won white women with college degrees by 52 percent. White women without college degrees went for Trump by 61 percent. In other words, there’s a sharp divide between how educated and uneducated white women perceived Clinton and Trump. Uneducated white women went for Trump by such wide margins that

I didn’t know Breitbart covered sports as well.

Donald Trump and the Chambers of Congress

Wouldn’t this have happened if he just played football with them anyway?

The lower end of the market for non-rookie starters in impact positions are always set by stupid teams. Paying Ryan Fitzpatrick $12 million or Mike Glennon $15 million or Brock Osweiler $18 million is insane becauce the price being paid is not equal to the value received in return. Smart teams are generally aware of

The existence of God would mean that free will does not exist and vice versa.

We are not SO fucked.

I guess the winner of South Park’s election was finally decided. It’s Shit Sandwich!

Why didn’t Trump put a blanket ban on Floridians entering the United States?




We are now living in a country with a government so extremist that even Bill O’Reilly calls the President out on his bullshit.

Every single person involved in that pileup is now in a position of power in government.

The cabinet members that have already been confirmed are the least controversial, unless you legitimately think James Mattis shouldn’t be Secretary of Defense. He was likely to be nominated for a position in a potential Clinton cabinet, for chrissakes. Who else is confirmed? Kelly? Chao? Pompeo? Haley? Those are

“But if that’s the strategy, (and it’s the only remotely helpful one I can think of) why the hell would you send Bernie Sanders to relay that message—and on CNN?”

I don’t mean this as an insult or anything, but what exactly makes what we might call a “transracial” person different from a transgender person? All of the points you made about why a white person can’t just “decide” to wake up and be black are the same arguments that for decades were used to say that a man can’t