Yellow Beaver

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the term “Holocaust” typically used only to refer to the Jewish victims? I remember hearing debates in the past when people wanted to include gypsies, dissidents, homosexuals and such in the term and the ADL was very dead set against that, arguing that Holocaust was only meant to

Do you have any evidence that people who voted for Bernie in the general election cost Clinton? He only got a few thousand write-in votes across the country. And remember, Clinton won the popular vote. Unless those Bernie votes were distributed heavily in states that Clinton barely lost, your entire point is

Flynn is a semi-regular panel contributor on Russia Today, which the CIA just classified as a Russian propaganda tool a few weeks ago.

Wait, didn’t the court decide that Goodell’s suspension was justified?

Compare that to the great quarterbacks of old like Donovan McNabb and Matt Hasselbeck who shared their mother’s cans of Campbell’s Chunky with their teammates.

Wasn’t this the same guy who looked suspiciously like Theodore Roosevelt and had a big hissy fit about how there would never be another Triple Crown winner after his horse lost and then there was a Triple Crown winner the next year?

Yeah, Michael Moore has a tendency to take up too much of the stage.

How do you go through this entire article without mentioning Captain America? The physical embodiment of this country punched the world’s best-known Nazi right in his stupid fucking face.

I feel like this is perfectly representative of Trump supporters. They can waltz right through crowds of people begging for equality and respect as shit burns, casually talking on the phone about how America is going to be great now.

No, most of them say it’s murder because they’re just parroting what their leaders say. Almost no one who is pro-life actually believes a woman should be punished for having an abortion, which is kinda weird because murder usually carries a heavy punishment. There’s some cognitive dissonance going on there that we can

Because, again, most pro-lifers are not as dramatically anti-woman as we make them out to be.

No, they consider themselves passionate because they honestly believe they’re protecting the lives of “unborn children.” They don’t see it as a woman’s issue at all, which is why they flatly ignore and laugh at our accusations of misogyny.

What about NPR? Or does NPR have a different model than PBS?

She looks like she’d be down for the really freaky stuff and she didn’t even list half of it on her FetLife profile.

No it won’t, nor did I say it will. But it sure as fuck will reduce the number of abortions, which is ostensibly the goal of the pro-life movement.

Uh, I don’t think pro-choice people are even remotely the problem. I didn’t say that at all. Uneducated pro-lifers are. All I’m saying is that it’s our responsibility to reach out to those people. They’re not just going to have a change of heart and become pro-choice.

Is it? I have never actually seen or heard of anyone who likes the current History Channel lineup. There seems to be an overwhelmingly negative reputation of it now. There’s still a fairly large market of people who would be happy to watch a channel that was similar to the old History Channel.

While you’re on the interwebz be sure to go to Wikipedia and look up the article on racism. Look who’s the top image!

I’d counter that the type of approach to the issue I just mentioned isn’t all that common. There are plenty of people who consider themselves pro-life who have probably never been exposed to the concept of poverty being an underlying factor for many abortions. A lot of them probably don’t even consider what you said

I think there are less people who actually, seriously believe that abortion is murder than we think. I know the polling numbers on this, but bear with me. The penalty for murder is either life in prison or the death sentence. No pro-lifer (except Trump, apparently) will openly admit that they want the woman to be