Yellow Beaver

Is this weighted per state budget or is it total dollars spent? Because if it’s the latter, DC is spending an insane amount on education. Not that that’s a bad thing.

One of my favorite things to do at 2 AM is to cherry pick football statistics to write smarmy responses to well-thought out arguments.

Could you state for the record just how woke you are?

Unfortunately, Obama set a precedent of creating his own legislation through executive orders. This was kinda necessary because Republicans simply refused to work with him on literally everything.

I don’t like being the bad guys now.

Please please please harp on this. I want Democrats to bring this quote up every time Ben Carson’s name is mentioned. I want this to be in the news highlights of this hearing. I want it to be common knowledge every time he is brought up in public discourse.

Which why I have repeatedly said that Amy Klobuchar should run. She’ll be 60 in 2020 and has more government experience than Warren while being virtually identical in ideology. The only difference is that Warren’s background is in finance while Klobuchar’s is in law.

What always gets me is why can’t franchises just sell a small stake in the team and/or the stadium to the cities they reside in? That way the owners are happy because the city actually has a duty to contribute to stadium funding, the city is happy because it directly receives some revenue, and fans are happy because

Uh, Jesus is not an American citizen.

Again, you’re free to ask one of his constituents who will be far more informed on what he has specifically done than I will. Or better yet, just directly ask someone who says he should run what they like about him. Maybe follow him on Facebook and Twitter to see what issues concern him the most. You can look up every

I’m going to stop you right there because asking what would make him a good president is not the same thing as questioning his qualifications. On the latter, Booker is most certainly qualified, more so than the last three individuals elected to the presidency as I stated earlier. Looking at things right this second,

Forget the 90-game streak. In their past 148 games they are 147-1. They beat their opponents by around 30 or 40 points regularly. Those are Harlem Globetrotters numbers. To which I’ll point out, at least the Globetrotters do cool tricks and stuff.

Well Booker has served in a variety of committees in the Senate for the past four years. By 2020 he will have spent eight years in the Senate. George Bush served as Governor of Texas for four years. Barrack Obama served as a Senator from Illinois for four years (and several more in the state legislature). Trump has no

I mean, most of their actions are taken under the shadow of upmost secrecy. They get a window to act like the Inglorious Basterds because only a handful of people have oversight over them, and they generally do the job well.

Uh, what qualifications does the President-elect have?

Republicans only control 52 out of 100 seats in the Senate (and Mike Pence would cast a tie-breaking vote). You need a simple majority to get confirmed. If two or three Republicans refuse to support Tillerson, he won’t be confirmed. It’s not that far out there. I can name four off the top of my head right now: Rubio,

God, it’s frustrating. He says he needs to learn more about EVERYTHING. Dude, you’re sitting in your confirmation hearing. The time to prepare for taking this job is long ago in the past.

As a Florida resident and consituent of Mr. Rubio who consistently disagrees with him, this was satisfying as FUCK to watch.

It should be noted that right after he said that he took a question from Brietbart reporter Matt Boyle.

I agree, the intelligence community has no business sharing facts with the public. I prefer the good ol’ days when Presidents could be as corrupt as they wanted and the public would be none the wiser.