
Sure, OtherGuy said he liked it though, so I'm not sure what your point is.

I don't think its really an affair. Mrs Gallinger gives Dr. G her wedding ring. I think the implication is that the marriage is over. I suspect he'll marry the sister (marrying siblings not being seen as ooky back then as it would today).

Or for that matter, the first giant killer that pops into most peoples head.

Yea, its a little more obvious Noah is reading other peoples jokes than it was with Stewart. Hopefully as he spends more time in the writing room, he'll get a little more simpatico with the writing team and be able to sell the material better.

I like her, but part of her schtick is being kinda offputting. So I don't have trouble understanding that some people are in fact..err…offputted by her.

I spent like twenty minutes trying to get streaming working on Yahoo before I gave up and pirated the new season of Community, My impression is that a lot of people had the same experience. Given that that was probably a lot of peoples first (and last) experience dealing with Yahoo's streaming service, those early

I liked the guy that was playing Ra's last season. The problem with the character wasn't the acting, it was just that he didn't have any plausible motivation, even by comic book terms. He basically existed just to fuck with Oliver Queen for no apparent reason.

Yea, the show pretty well established that the only qualification for office that matters is "willing to bear bi-monthly assassination attempts".

They're pretty sparing with "real" scientist characters on the show. I think Oppenheimer and Bohr have been the only exceptions. I kinda doubt we'll see Feynman.

I'm waiting for someone to make a movie about the trails and tribulations of the Affordable Care Act. I don't think any law in recent American history has had such a long history of close calls.
From the initial election of Obama it looked like a sure thing. Then the GOP started blanket filibustering and it was

We invaded Canada twice. We just pretend to "not have gotten around to it" cause it sounds better than "we got kicked back to the border both times"

I wish orphans would stop complaining so much. With all the getting to go to wizard school and becoming awesome spies and superheroes and whatnot, it sounds pretty awesome.

I liked it to.

Fun fact: before the spin-off was announced I was joking they'd probably make a new series with Naruto's kid, and "Borruito" was the supposed to be humorous name I came up with for the main character.

Thought bubbles

Thanks Ob^H^H…Jeri Ryan!

Who was also in the recently panned Atlas Shrugged movie. Basically, behind every Objectivist-inspired entertainment product, there's a ferengi somewhere.

Yea, it might be plausible that Kirby was inspired by a memory of the costume, but they're certainly not "identical".

There are people who watch Winter's Bone to laugh at poverty? Even if you don't care about poor people, I have trouble seeing that movie as a knee-slapper.

Wow, I honestly thought that title was a joke. Someone at DC really signed off on letting Frank Miller write a comic titled "The Master Race"?