
I think it's intrinsic to being a troll to try and trick people into thinking your being serious or real in some sense. Colbert's schtick was pretty clearly satire. Occasionally someone particularly dense might mistake it for real and get made fun of, but Colbert didn't really try and trick people. Green, on the

In an administration that actually bothers to coordinate a communication strategy, maybe. In this Admin, they don't seem to really do anything but be the butt of jokes (which is probably why they haven't bothered to have one for half the time).

Eh, the Mooch is just a punchline. He held an unimportant job in the Admin for less than two weeks. Best play would be to be nice and try and coax him to talk shit about the people who actually matter (that is, people still in the Admin.).

Eh, he made some fun if stupid blockbusters early in his career, and while his later movies dropped the fun, they still make lots of money, so there's no mystery as to why he still gets work.

Yea, if I recall, the whole joke was that people *didn't* want to overtly press Pat for her gender, and so hijinks ensued as they danced around the issue and tried to figure it out.

I liked the framing device. Comics don't really lack for extended sequences of two superheroes/villains fighting in an urban environment, so I enjoyed the idea of Batman just giving us the highlights of the sniper battle, and letting your imagination fill in the rest.

Eh, its not like he was some impoverished Dicksonian single father who desperately needed this job to feed his 8 kids and their sickly pet rat Bitey. He took this job, and almost certainly a big pay cut, and stayed in it, because for whatever reason he really wanted to run interference while a psychopathic reality TV

They'd already pulled him out of the press briefings and hired his replacement. So I kinda doubt his "resignation" was voluntary.

Eh, I doubt McCarthy is morning the fact that she won't have to wear all that make-up anymore.

Ohh…he could team up with Condiment King to form a "food you put on other food" themed super-villain group.

That glare is great. It says "I can't believe I have to deal with this asshole" so powerfully I feel like a little bit like a jerk just looking at the picture. I'm like evil eye collateral damage.

Isn't half the point of Air Marshalls is that you can't tell that they're Air Marshalls by looking at them? I mean, I don't have any reason to think the woman is one, but not sure a picture is going to do much to show she isn't

They watch it to root for the Daleks

Well, I can't imagine Ivanka waiting on Jared for 10-20, so Bingo might get another chance. I'm rooting for the guy.

He did a bunch of TV work in the 80's, so he presumably knows the industry fairly well. But I suspect this current job is just to attach his name to a project he wants to support.

I liked that they made it clear that the head evil Church guy believed his own propaganda, that he wasn't just purely opportunistic or doing evil for evils sake.

Eh, I think most parents half-tune out when their kids are talking about pop-culture figures.

I thought it was pretty funny. There isn't really much to it other than the absurdity of the premise, but that was funny enough to keep me amused over 20 or so pages. And its amusing to see DC poking some fun at themselves.

I believe it was originally supposed to just run for half as many episodes as they ended up with, so the writers scrambled to streatch out the plot at the last minute, and it shows. Since much of the appeal of the first half was how tightly plotted it seemed, it really falls apart after that.
