Eh, running with that faked memo was legitimately shoddy, regardless of the facts of the wider story. Rather deserved the grief he got over it.
Eh, running with that faked memo was legitimately shoddy, regardless of the facts of the wider story. Rather deserved the grief he got over it.
Rain played a Japanese ninja in "Ninja Assassin". I think his character in Speed Racer is also supposed to be Japanese.
Cost of a new episode of MST3K is 250k, which is probably what Netflix pays Kevin Spacy's hairdresser on House of Cards. It would seem kind of nuts to not renew it.
I read it as sarcasm.
I hope so. From the standpoint of the wider Netflix brand, it would seem like a good idea to give shows a chance to wrap things up. People are more likely to give new shows a try if they haven't been left hanging by old ones.
Or just leave it as is, if that's what you're into.
I live in an area with a lot of preppers, and its basically just camping for people that really like talking about and buying camping gear, but don't want to actually hike or sleep out doors.
The problem isn't so much that there are a lot of comic books, but that the comic series is structured as a horror/fantasy anthology, with the title character only in the background for many of the installments. If you just did the Morpheus-centric stuff, you could probably get it down to a longish single film, but…
Yea, I wish someone would start a website that reviewed TV shows and movies. I guess they'd have to stick in a bunch of filler articles about the latest internet memes just to get enough content, but I think it could still work.
"I've been to their world, there's nothing green there anymore". The movie was pretty forgettable dialogue-wise, but I'll admit that line affected me a bit (I saw it a few days after the Copenhagen climate talks had collapsed).
I think its pretty clear that the main person pushing for these movies is Cameron himself. Which I kinda like. I'm pretty sick of sequels and remakes that feel "obligatory" (The Hobbit movies almost feel like someone at the studio was holding a gun to Jackson's head).
I knew the answer was Zola's letter, but didn't know "J'accuse" was the actual title of the thing, instead of just the first few words.
Well, Gibson. To the extent that drunkenly screaming anti-semitism at a cop and leaving racist tirades on your ex's voicemail is voicing a "conservative view".
Heh, you beat me to it. Though to be fair, the Batman franchise does have a huge number of entertaining and well known figures that aren't Batman. There isn't really anything like that in King Kong, there aren't really many memorable characters that aren't themselves giant monsters.
I'm always impressed at how bad TV channels in-house streaming sites are. You'd think by now the tech would be mature enough that a company with the resources of a major network or cable channel could throw one together pretty easily. But whenever I try and watch them they're glitchy as hell when compared to Netflix…
I may watch this just to support the idea of people making Movies/TV shows about the Tudors that aren't about Henry VIII.
Batmans kinda remarkable in how good most of the TV/Video games/Movies etc are on average, given the amount of stuff that's produced and the fact that DC has a pretty lackadaisical relationship with quality control for most of its franchises.
My mother moved from NYC to SLC, Utah for a few years during the 80's, and told me that you literally couldn't buy bagels. She had to get her mother to bring her a few dozen when she visited.
I was kinda meh on this episode. I like the concept, but the episode was light on jokes, and heavy on klunky exposition. The flashbacks would've been enough to let us figure out Noir-Archer was a WWII vet, for example, we didn't need Mallory to give a lengthy recitation of his combat history.
I always assumed they were both riffing off some 70's TV series opening.