
The O'Reilly Factor seems a lot less relevant than back when he started doing the show, which I imagine makes parodying it seem less like a good use of time.

Eh, the sentence is meant to be humorous. Cosby's career was already over, getting dropped by his agent is just sort of perfunctory.

Eh, I heard his kid wasn't that great.

I was sort of impressed my brain came up with the right answer, since I know literally nothing about Cecil Rhodes. I must've absorbed the name subliminally while sleeping through history class or something.

Eh, even the article spent the next paragraph walking it back, so apparently the author agrees.

Fair enough. I'm only familiar with the 80's cartoon, which was cool when I was 5, but was pretty clearly aimed at selling plastic crap to five year olds, so I kind of roll my eyes when people complain about Bay "ruining Transformers" of all things. But I'll take your word for it that the later franchise was more

I imagine paying even acclaimed screenwriters is such a small chunk of the production budget for movies like this that they figure they mind as well. Deknights cut is probably equal to what they spend animating an autobots toe for half a second.

Yea, the live-action movies really ruined the brilliant artistic voice and vision of those badly animated twenty minute toy commercials.

The idea that a third installment of a profitable comic-book franchise can't get funding is really making me reconsider everything I thought I knew about Hollywood.

I don't really get the complaint that Aquarius's Manson is too handsome. You have to dig a little to find pictures of him not doing his crazy eyes schtick, but IRL Manson was pretty good looking, if shorter than TV Manson.

I'm about two thirds through the online episodes (no spoilers in this post, though). It's pretty good as a police procedural staring a wise-cracking kinda run-down Fox Mulder and his hippy partner.

I like to think Natalie Dormer is reading a "how to date super shamrock" clickbait article right now.

Aquarius's Manson is pretty skeevy. He's "charismatic" in the sense that he controls his "family", but I don't think the show is trying to make him an anti-hero or anything. If anything, the show presents him as sort of ridiculous, with his childish view of how he's going to break into the music industry and his

As with Martin, I suspect the problem is that being a successful fantasy author is a lot more fun than writing more fantasy novels.

Generally the gov't needs to show that you're carrying the knife to use as a weapon to run afoul of the law. Either because its a particular type of knife designed for combat, or as in this case, you pull it out in a barfight and stab a guy with it.

Eh, even apart from terrorism cases, the Feds (or at least, someone) needs the power to go after trans-national organizations. Otherwise its too easy for corrupt outfits like FIFA, large international corporations, NGO's, etc. to just jump jurisdictions to avoid prosecution.

We aren't really talking about NBC anymore, are we souse chef?

I liked how they re-tooled it into a Cold War drama. That seemed to keep things at least somewhat fresh, though I haven't seen the latest (and I guess, last) season yet.

Or they team up to go after Nucky Thompson.

Conan O'Brian is chilling at the bar in one scene of How I Met Your Mother. He doesn't say anything, and is just in the background the whole time. (he apparently won an extra spot on the show in a charity raffle, and insisted on just doing the role he'd won when they tried to get him to agree to a bigger bit).