
Was kind of a dark twist on Linda's character. Usually her shenanigans are relatively harmless, but constantly hinting a recently widowed woman offed her husband is kind of evil. Granted the revelation that she really did kill her husband does sort of retroactively make it seem less unreasonable.

Yea, the actual comedy writing was good, and the Mindy character was fun, but they never really figured out what to do with the rest of the cast (not helped by the fact that the actors kept wandering off).

I like to think "try and stab the groom in the face" is just part of a traditional League of Assassins wedding.

IIRC, Voyager stopped by DS9 before sailing off to Paramounts new network/Delta Quadrant.

They had the same problem as seasons one vampires, in that they aren't really threatening. They just hiss and look scary and than someone kicks them in the face and they run off or die. The Big Bads of Penny Dreadful would be better served if they just hired a couple human thugs.

It made more sense back in the day, when nerd stuff was more niche, and internet/BBS access was hard to come by. So "events" were a chance to hang out with fans beyond the same three or four people that were always hanging out at the local comic book store or your HS AV room.

I wonder what the insurance premiums would be like to open a dinosaur park after three separate instances where the dinosaurs tried to eat everyone on the island, and one where a T-Rex managed to rampage around LA?

It's a little hard to believe the gov't would permit a new park after the events of Lost World. So if they cared about making sense, I disagree they wouldn't need to acknowledge it.

There seems to be a general problem with genre shows, where powerful, evil insidious organizations are used as villains, but the writers never actually develop any sort of motivation for them to exist beyond making life difficult for the heroes. So you end up with some supposedly ultra-powerful organization spending

So the terrible thing that happened when you use the Lazarus Pit to resurrect someone is…a few days of amnesia? If anything, Thea seems more well adjusted than she did before she got killed/unkilled.

Except for way back in…last episode, when they traded Ollie for Thea.

Yea, she needs to get cast as a serial killer in something.

"Perverted is when you use the whole back-up dancer. "

Too bad its so hard to find a real person that looks like a young Bruce Lee, what with Chinese people being so thin on the ground and all.

Can you explain to us non-Canadians what "executive rules" you're referring to?

They were actually been hitting the 90's nostalgia pretty heavily on the episode of "Fresh off the Boat" I saw.

Yea, one gets the feeling that at the brainstorming session for the show, they couldn't agree on what ideas to run with, so they just went with all of them. Its a fun campy-horror show, a might be pretty good "Batman, boy detective" show, a mediocre mobster show, and a pretty bad show about Jim Gordon's love life.

See, this poor spam-bot probably dreamed big Hollywood dreams once upon a time, but is now reduced to posting questionable job-offers for minimum wage.

Seriously, I'm sick of Hollywood casting humans in parts that were originally written for robots, while robot-actresses struggle to find work.

The whole thing with Bella didn't make a lot of sense, since the computer barely seemed capable of giving anything except its standard "not enough information" response. Siri does a better job. It was hard to figure out what the characters found so fascinating about the machine.