
I'm enjoying the show. I like the horror-camp thing they have going on with the villains. Kind of reminds me of Buffy, where the villains were a mix of goofy and horrifying.

I like it. The body horror stuff is pretty good, and while the monsters are apparently supposed to be "vampires", they're fairly different then the usual take. So its kind of fun having a newish type of monster to watch.

" It is Jim’s idiocy that allowed all of this to happen. It is Jim’s cowardice that allowed all of this to happen."

I wasn't that bothered by people not jumping to the "Vampire" conclusion. The Strain vampires are pretty unlike classical vampires. And the main characters weren't aware of the most blatant similarities (aversion to light and silver) until this episode. I'm not sure it was even that clear the vamps were after

Eh, both things were explained. The people in quarantine were let go because the vampires convinced the HHS higher-ups that the deaths were due to a carbon-monoxide leak. So no point in a quarantine.

Yea, but the first series had a straightforward bad guy at the top. You didn't need to interpret a bunch of fantasy-world political factions to figure out the Firelord was a bad dude. He wanted to conquer the world and burn a bunch of people to death.

Heh, "the Reds".