
So **relatively** the same size as the Game Boy appeared when I was a 5 year old kid?

But she DID kill Sparky! :(

Buy the horse swimming upgrade, and shoot the fishes from horseback. The fishes used to not be scared by the swimming horse, so was easy to get up close too.

> a good MMORPG like Red Dead Redemption Online, World of Warcraft, Fallout 76, or Elder Scrolls Online,

Where’s Bob?

No, you got another Fifth Element. It is more or less the same story, but with a slightly younger main character that had more hair.

Reuse? Or maybe he’s crazy prepared with quivers on every roof top in NY? Or Amazon drone orders? Maybe he borrows Stark’s sat-delivery system? Or hired delivery ninjas.

Hitman was weird in the best way. My favorite character is The Defenestrator. Big guy, carrying a window frame as his primary weapon.

That is Han Duo, with a kid coming. Yes, he’s gotten himself a dad-beard. That’s my guess.

This is what you get when something isnt bound up into copyrights. I love it! You get bad retelling, you get good retelling, and you get new adventures or the old adventures from a fresh angle.

As the most memorable science fiction character, definitly

Now i hope i'm not the only one who did enjoy the previous one? The very long one with Jack Black playing that timeperiod's Jack Black? And the guy with the nose doing a good job as he usually do?

My favorite starship will always be The Alexandria from a norwegian sci-fi book series. Built as a huge group of spherical modules, the whole ship looks more like a cluster of grapes. Fitted with sun-sails, the ship uses years for accelerating, years for braking, and as it cant travel above lightspeed, it takes

Any sources for the rest of the images in this article? I'm collecting scifi desktop wallpapers.

Assassin's Creed endings ain't endings. Just eternal 'to-be-continued'. And for some reason they put most of the important Desmond plots in DLC long after the game is forgotten. Every new game i go like "WTF" because of plot progression from DLC land.

I really wish these images came with a link to a desktop sized wallpaper. I love these.

That's creepy. It's his voice, and his facial movement. But when he turns left, its not his face.

The GIT tools. One of the most user-friendly command-line tools out there.

I thought they explained that in one of the movies. The predators considers the reduced heatvision an extra challenge. It is no sport if they can spot the prey perfectly many miles away.