Buy the horse swimming upgrade, and shoot the fishes from horseback. The fishes used to not be scared by the swimming horse, so was easy to get up close too.
Buy the horse swimming upgrade, and shoot the fishes from horseback. The fishes used to not be scared by the swimming horse, so was easy to get up close too.
That is Han Duo, with a kid coming. Yes, he’s gotten himself a dad-beard. That’s my guess.
That's creepy. It's his voice, and his facial movement. But when he turns left, its not his face.
I thought they explained that in one of the movies. The predators considers the reduced heatvision an extra challenge. It is no sport if they can spot the prey perfectly many miles away.
Why do they have masks at all? To avoid people recognising them?
This episode felt like a big Star Trek TNG homage. A lot of bridge combat, a rampant ai, lot of tech-babble, and they even had a Geordi La Forge look-a-like.
quote:"you are kind of intimidationg, you know all the same geek stuff I do, I don't think I can date you" Liking sci fi and talking about it with a guy who likes the same thing makes me undateable?
I always get the uncanny feeling that i'm on a stage when doing that... But the fourth wall is still there.
As a character in one of Neil Gaimans short story asked: "I don't suppose that anyone ever checked to see if those people had been removed and replaced by exact doubles?"
#9: the villain wins, except the villain is the main character, is how i would have wanted the Wanted movie to end.. The maincharacter should have won, saved his father, gotten all the money, the girl and never having to conform to society.. Instead it ended with him moneyless, fatherless, girl-less and with the same…
Goddarnit, people! Keep right!
But an assination doesnt necessarely have that many significant ramifications and wouldn't be that difficult to change. You could happen to find that changing a butterfly's path to be a thousand times more difficult than killing Hitler, because you cannot see how many important people would die because of some random…
When she downed, that was the first time (except the tutorial) when i killed. And i managed to kill every one of them, but didnt have anything to bring down a robot (9mm vs a robot? not likely). So i didnt succed, but swore an oath to kill every last Belltower employe.
Vote: Spotify
Just recently got to know this comic as a secondary series in the Nemi comics.
Vote: Sphere Timer
What they really need a "ban domain from search results" button.
@saintboniface: Yes, primary school is really the worst place to learn social interactions. Its success or fail, and the result follow you trough life. :(
Vote: PSPad