
In Cincinnati, and surrounding areas (mostly N. KY) they have the “Steak Hoagie”. It’s a ground beef patty shaped oval to fit sub bun. The meat is seasoned, so it doesn’t taste like a hamburger... closer to a good meatball? Anyway, if done properly it’s topped with pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, and pickles (some

For Pewdiepie, it’s been a month of roiling emotions, including anger, intentionally taboo jokes and an intensified critique of the press...

It starts slow, I’ll say, Stick with it.

Why would deep frying in a seasoned pan cause an issue? It’s fat, so shouldn’t it be fine? I deep fry in my cast iron dutch oven, and then just do the maintenance work before storing. Should I re-season it after deep frying?

Why would deep frying in a seasoned pan cause an issue? It’s fat, so shouldn’t it be fine? I deep fry in my cast