Another article that didn’t need to be made into a slideshow...
Another article that didn’t need to be made into a slideshow...
It kind of seems like you’re interested
Just give us a “show all on one page” option up front.
And another potentially good article ruined by the slideshow.
I tried to reply to this, but there was an ad made to look like an inline music player play bar over your comment, too. This is fucking ridiculous.
To be blunt: this site is becoming impossible to use. Huge ads, auto play video that stays locked on top, making text hard to read... I suppose the writers don’t like it either, because surely you didn’t sign up to be writers for a promo rag, so please, please try to do something about it. Screenshot from Chrome on…
The Slideshow is a terrible format when an article with the list of comics would have been just fine and easier to read.
Lifehacker: The slideshow format sucks. Meghan, I mean no frustration towards you. Wish I could have read your piece. It sounds fantastic.
God, I fucking hate it when articles try to push videos. If I wanted to be a slave to video, I’d be on YouTube instead of here.
Yeah, kinda just gonna echo the rest of the comments here and say this really could/should have had a written article summarizing the points made in the video (or just been an article altogether). If you have a way to compare the clicks on the article to views on the video itself, I bet you'll see a discrepancy there.
Agree with the others. Please don't start exclusively doing videos. We all enjoy reading over here
Oh I thought this was an article.
Why is this a video rather than an article? I would read an article. I am not going to watch a 15 minute video.
Thanks for the video that I’m not going to watch for something that could just as easily be text I could read at my own pace.
I believe you are CLOSE to the truth here...there is no upper limit to CHEESEBURGERS.
I assume anything that’s a slideshow instead of a vertical scroll is a request that I don’t read it.
The hunting is a feature, not a bug. Gotta boost those time on site and time on page metrics!
You redesigned the layout so that ‘Deals of the day’ occupies more prominent featured space than ‘Latest’? gtfo
Feedback? Every change thats been made in the past....year? Has been absolute trash since its been all about driving up dumbass metrics and not improving user experience in any way.
Yes, I love having to click “Latest” every single time I go to your site.