
Thank you for not jumping in on the garbage slideshow trend from the sister sites!

kernow posted an example of an article of a list of 50 entries and how it works perfectly well not being a pointless slideshow. Also, many people don’t care about the context and just want the bullet-points. If nothing else, comments like these can be seen as another option. It’s an easy way to see all the entries

Even putting bulkiness aside, a phone wallet would kill wireless charging and the mount in my car. Lastly, I’d be surprised if they made one thick enough to hold my work’s key-card and if they did, I probably wouldn’t want to use it anyway.

Yeah, but sometimes browsers stubbornly hold onto those settings even after resizing it back. Great option for those who want the additional context but I still find value in posting the list for those who want to see just that and without having to leave the page like accessing LH’s own bullet-point list requires.

Aww, it got delayed? I saw 2021 mentioned everywhere and was hoping for a specific release date announcement.

It’s Literally Just Mowing. Surprisingly zen, cute graphics, IAPs are only for cosmetics which you unlock over time anyway. Highly recommended.

I find trying your best to start off with at least one positive thing about your experience (or at least something you didn’t mind or went as you expected) will help people take the negative things you say more seriously. I find a 100%-negative review too easy to write off as someone with a stick up their butt, simply

This insistence is what prevents me from using it. “You should try it. You should try it. Why don’t you try it? Use Edge! Edge is great! Why aren’t you using Edge? Why do you hate puppies?” I don’t care how amazingly fantastic of a browser it has the potential to be. If it’s really that great, it’d speak for itself

Google’s not even #1 at their own game. Samsung has longer update commitments than Google and sometimes even gets the monthly security updates to their devices before Google pushes them to Pixels. Something else to keep it in mind, way more aspects of Android can be updated through the app store than on iOS. What

If you want an awesome mobile experience, check out It’s Literally Just Mowing. It’s quite the zen experience swiping to mow.