Hard Little Machine

she will be your next President.

It was some kind of money laundering scheme anyway.

I hope he gets raped and shot in an episode or 3

How PG will they make it?

Like most French communists, you find it's ok to screw your wife right before your eyes but if I fail to take you as seriously as you do, woe to me.

The RFRA says nothing of the kind. It merely establishes the threshold upon which the government can use to step in to compel an organization to do 'something'. That's all. Read the goddamn law you moron. Read the actual words in it if you can.

I guess no one's bothered to read the 1993 Federal law sponsored by Chuck Schumer and signed by Bill Clinton that the Indiana law LITERALLY WORD FOR WORD COPIED AND PASTED INTO THEIR STATE STATUTES. Or that 20 other states before this HAVE DONE EXACTLY THE SAME THING INCLUDING SUCH BASTIONS OF RIGHT WING INSANITY LIKE

Slowest moving show since The Killing. So little happens that episodes could be 20 minutes or 5 hours each and it wouldn't make any difference. And like most Netflix efforts you're never really watching a show you're watching a glorified preview of the last 10 minutes of the last episode or sometimes a preview for the

I think it's a good new approach to TV. Throw away the first 4 or so eps of 13 ep series and call it "smoldering". It's not as if anyone cares.

Everything on Hulu is like watching the fake writing staff on 30 Rock pitch intentionally retarded ideas.

We've reached peak 'Slow Burn'. TV has become as slow moving and dull as it's possible to be.

Then it will be the same show with about 30% 30 Rock mixed in. It will be terrible. I hope they do it.

If a meteor hit Stars Hollow and incinerated them all that would have been great.

Kidnap her and chain her up in the basement.

Expendables 4 will be a straight up ad for HGH, Viagra and adult diapers.

David Letterman goes by You Want Gum

This time with dick jokes

The Bible.

super creepy Rob Lowe

It's like Charlie Kaufman wrote a series about Charlie Kaufman writing a series about Charlie Kaufman writing a series about a guy who thinks he's Charlie Kaufman writing a series about a guy who thinks he's Charlie Kaufman.