Hard Little Machine

I blame the cisheteropatriarchy

Really cinema critic tool, how so?

when you die and then come back again you turn into a whiny lesbian

Olivia Neutron Bomb

Bernie Cryptkeeper Sanders.

Please have Skeletor Kennedy on. Please.

I've never even heard of this show.

I hope everyone who works for SyFy is sexually tortured with powertools.

the lighter side of being the world's biggest abusive narcissist?

This movie will suck and everyone will agree to lie and say it's greatest thing in the history of people.

He should be our next President.

Now if they could find some trans witches who are illegal Mexicans that would be awesome.

Dangerously white. Probably more than a few lesbians though so liberals will be ok

Who actually cares. If you want to watch chick sports feel free.

It's pretty clear this movie will suck balls.

I'm hoping to see Dave coverage dialed back to fewer than 1 trillion stories a day everywhere from everyone all the time. At least by the end of the month.

at least Sam Simon is still dead.

something something something gargle dicks something my period something something jizz on my throat something bbutthole joke.

Because 'cum in a hooker while she chokes you' doesn't fit on the bottle.

Yeah none of that is happening. It's going be to a chick movie.