Hard Little Machine

So no harm no foul then.

I guess so.

I have never heard a single one of those albums in part or in full.

No. It's shit. At best the most mature character is about 13, emotionally. They're all despicable narcissistic assholes who are probably the worst doctors in the history of people. All they are is a bunch of losers addicted to the sound of their own voices.


Nothing but shakeycam gifs

No one fucking cares you pompous dick.

Shitty movies are shitty. People watch shitty movies because they're retarded or they need 2 hrs to get blowjobs in public.

It's racism.

If you have to write a college essay explaining to us why we're too retarded to appreciate this shit, you're in the right business but your business is shit and you should drown yourself.

the liberals constantly overplay their "exterminate all the Jews, again" card.

It's not really 'screenwriting'. It's more like "I know some TV execs and I hooked them up with midget hookers."

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They won't be happy until Community is such a referential in joke of itself that you need special permission to even talk about it.