“We accept your apology, but you have to go.”
“We accept your apology, but you have to go.”
Sounds like snowflakes need a safe space. The irony...
But they don’t care enough to ameliorate it.
That’s what I heard too. Racism died with MLK and then it came back in reverse with Obama, but then went away with Trump. Now everything is hunky-damn-dory.
White folks worry about colored folks becoming a majority, it’s almost as if colored folks haven’t always been treated well by white folks or something.
You know how people say that everyone should spend at least 6 months in a service industry job when they’re young, so they can learn how to not be assholes to workers? White people in general could really benefit from spending some time in an environment where they’re the minority. It helps us not be assholes.
Yeah, but nobody cares about the Justice League. Slandering the Avengers hurts more. ;-)
Maybe they know minorities are treated badly or something...
I point blank had a white girl come up to me and say she was better than me because she was white (and got into a fist fight with another white girl - don’t worry, I knocked her butt to the ground). Then had a white boy in class tell me a joke from his dad, “Why do Black people run so fast in the Olympics? They get…
Bizarre but not super-surprising. Plenty of whites— possibly even the majority, including self-described ‘progressives’— have a major psychological problem accepting their children being in the racial minority of a given school environment. once a school setting starts to get too brown or black, then here comes the…
The supremacists like to talk about qualifications but only want to compare the top white echelons with the average black. They never want to compare average to average and address why the average white gets the spot over the average black.
Clutching my pearls! Do you know how hard it is for a white person to be reminded that they are not the only race in the country? Have some compassion!
Tell me that you don’t imagine Jeff Sessions, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Richard Shelby whiling away summer afternoons, sipping iced tea while fanning themselves and listening to old “Amos n’ Andy” records.
Twelve black people in my law school class of 220 and the supremacists were crying about affirmative action.
So first of all this didn’t just happen in Florida. This happened in the Pinellas school district. This school district has to be the worst in the nation. If it’s something crazy, that happened in a school, and it makes the news - well, 9 times out of 10 it happened in Pinellas. Just to give some background.
God forbid that the lil honkies catch “Teh Blaqq.” It’s contagious via touch, dontchaknow!
This is just irritating, especially the lack of any coherent reason outside of reinforcing the fragility of white empathy.
As someone from an overwhelmingly white town that had a handful of spots each year for the overwhelming black town next door with the overcrowded system....Even that made plenty of folks nervous.
So she still has a job?