
The people who are going to be hurt the most by this budget live in red state trump strongholds. How ironic.

The worst thing you can do to a racist trump supporter is; call them a racist trump supporter!

Those people are suffering from what “The Atlantic” calls, ‘cultural anxiety’. Lmao.


We do live in a white supremacist world where white people that point out the same thing as black people have been pointing out forever will get way more credit for it. That’s reality. I also don’t believe that she was talking to us, but rather to her fellow privileged caucasians, who will only listen to another white

I haven’t really been interested in Chapelle since his show was canceled. I can’t support a washed up comedian that attacks the trans community and goes easy on trump. SNL was the final straw.

Basically a Klan rally without the hoods.

I think shame plays a big part in why so many stay in abusive relationships. The fact that someone that you love and trusted is violating and abusing you is quite embarrassing to admit publicly, and on top of that we also live in a victim blaming culture that further contributes to the stigma of being abused.  

Miss me with that caucasian ALM nonsense.

It was revealed that the “war on drugs” is just a rouse for the real war: The war on the black community. This is one of the main reasons the racist Sessions was selected in the first place.

Pigs gonna pig I suppose...

We need more black teachers. These saltine amerikkkans have no business teaching black children!

Exactly! Why do white people feel the need to center themselves in things that have nothing to do with them?

The trump effect, everyone. Schools aren’t even pretending they aren’t racist anymore. Smh

Get the fuck off this BLACK website then, cracker.

I honestly don’t think white people should be teaching black kids that are this young. Too many of them harbor a deep seeded racism towards black people.

The same reason they hate us adults: They fear us.

This is what happens when you hire neanderthals to “teach” black children. They resort to their cave man antics.

Fuck Trump! That teacher deserves a raise!

Now THATS a skinhead!