
Shut up, cracka!

If only white people were as passionate about ending racism and white supremacy as they are about saying the N-word and getting away with it. Just imagine...

The Honkey run government doesn’t care if we live or die. They’ve got their healthcare and their millions and that’s all that matters to them.

Why do you, a white man, feel the need to weigh in on this debate? Pretty much every hair care product caters to you neanderthals anyways.

Sounds about White...

These racist ass honkeys need to keep MLK’s name out their mouths.

I’m Sure Ivanka thinks Trump isn’t a sexual predator either...

White people just can’t help being racist. It has to be something in that neanderthal DNA....

A lot of black women are like Oprah. They’ll use the fuck out of the GLBT community, yet they aren’t really going to speak up for us and feel perfectly comfortable surrounding themselves with homo/transphobic bigots. I’m not surprised at all really.

Fragile racist white people REALLY hate her. That means she’s doing something right!

Your white fragility is showing...


Black people don’t need any fragile FAKE white allies like you, thats for damn sure!

So the people on the T.V made her racist and stupid now?

Fuck that! They deserve to be ridiculed for giving us orange hitler. I hope more terrible shit happens to her and the rest of the trump supporters. It’s called poetic justice.

Having an ass is so last season.

Another perfectly good reason to walk away from organized religion.

Historically, when white people start invading communities of color, it never ends well. This is just history repeating itself.

Chapelle lost me with all the transphobic “jokes”. Especially at a time with record high trans murder rates, it’s just not funny anymore. He attacks trans women so much that I believe that it truly comes from a place of contempt.

Lol that’s what you get for cooning and pigging out!