
Put a symbol of hate on your car and people will judge you accordingly. I didn’t attack you. I also didn’t engage all that screed because it seemed to boil down to “not all Southerners are racist” and it didn’t appear that I was needed for the discussion.

I’m a white Russian (always savour the chance to make that joke) and I live in UK. I’ve been to US once, anything I know about America comes from popular culture and history books. I’m a huge history buff and am very strongly against any whitewashing of dubious historical artefacts. So upon hearing of this controversy

It’s confusing to my redneck racist cousins! “But what about [our distant relative who fought in the Revolutionary War and also owned slaves]?” Uh, yeah. That’s embarrassing. Being descended from a slaveowner is embarrassing. I’m not going to brag about it.

We don’t exist in a vacuum. In 2017 someone knows the connotations associated with putting a Confederate flag on their car or hat or whatever. If a person still chooses to do that, the blowback is on them, not everyone else to parse things out.

Her saying make America America again is White people code for for doing away with everyone who doesn’t look like us. We can all see through the bullshit nationalist rhetoric. Its sad that Trump has pretty much given the ok for people like this to come out of the woodwork. Even scarier is that people actually support

Haitians are black. They descend from the same African population that African Americans descend from.

“How is this confusing to people?”

That is literally the flag of the losing team. GOP keeps telling Democrats to get over the 2016 election loss. These dudes are still butt hurt over the Civil War!

Because they look back fondly on owning humans and treason.

They may not be African-American, but they are black. Funny how she had no objection to them inaccurately being considered half-Pakistani, though.

“I also know there are many people who fly the flag in their yards or have a symbol on their truck and it’s not a racist symbol to them, it’s about their Southern heritage.”

Exactly. There are always going to be the people who think someone’s just playing the race card or assuming racism where there is none. It’s useful to be able to point to actual data to show that it’s real.

That baby is black, blackity, black. That kids mother is in store for a rude awakening. Haitian and Puerto Rican fool he black.

Lol, these are the same people who think BLM is a terrorist organization and repeat as much at every chance they get. According to them, the Black Panthers are on par with the KKK. It’s not even something they need to double check. It’s a fact. Like blacks all being gangster welfare kings/queens who smoke crack and

Show me where in the Constitution it says that black people have rights. And if you try to bring up that 14th Amendment bullshit, I’ll kick your liberal ass.

It’s sad that something so obvious has to be researched.

The NFL is trash for no one signing him. I’m not surprised in the slightest, but that does not contain my sheer disgust at this country.

Waiting on the “Is Water Still Wet?” research project...

What would have been super-interesting would have been a control group question. “Recently a number of professional athletes have protested the treatment of Trump supporters by college students by not standing during the singing of the national anthem. Do you support the right of these athletes during the singing of

The results were startling.