I can't watch last night's episode till tonight but I am brimming with excitement because they filmed part of the finale in my partner's highschool classroom and I am terrible at keeping secrets!!
I can't watch last night's episode till tonight but I am brimming with excitement because they filmed part of the finale in my partner's highschool classroom and I am terrible at keeping secrets!!
I'm not a violent person but I will admit that Misty beating the crap out of Madison felt pretty satisfying. And they let it linger too (Cordelia's reaction was perfect). I don't even care that much about Misty but ole girl took her shawl and that's not okay.
Maybe I'm wrong, but from what I understood, it wasn't a magic knife that Queenie killed LaLaurie with. LaLaurie was able to die because Queenie pointed out that Marie could no longer keep up her end of the giving babies to Papa Legba bargain because she was in tiny pieces, so Marie was no longer immortal and if Marie…
I want a spin off show only about Myrtle Snow, in which she offers love and fashion advice and theremin lessons to distressed young ladies. I have already dug my crimper back out in hopes.
My theory is that in Cordelia's vision, Fiona isn't the one who killed all the girls, it was actually Myrtle (since she's mysteriously missing from the scene) and Fiona is actually shown FINDING the aftermath of Myrtle's mad murder rampage. Myrtle was always a shady witch.
I totally agree with you that the show is a hot mess. But....I still love it!! I can't help it. It's so ridiculous and full of badassery that I can't stop watching.
As I was reading, I was wondering what the show would be like with a shorter season. As much as I hated only getting 4 episodes of Luther per season, the show was amazing and probably because of the lack of fluff.
I wanna know what part that zom-boyfriend will play in the final chapters. I don't know if he will have to eternally serve the Coven or something...but he's still around and I want something to come of that. Also I miss Nan.
That bit with the the chicken joint being various people's Hell was pretty cool.
"Down there" made me laugh every time.
It PURPORTS to be, which is why its attitudes are so dismaying. I almost never read Jezebel anymore. I made reasonable criticisms and was destarred/grayed out for the privilege. I usually come now only when other publications are complaining about Jezebel. You can't simultaneously be a Mean Girl, a So-CalledDefender…
My parents were super mad at me because in our old house growing up as a kid, I had a half-bath off my bedroom but refused to use it. It gave me really bad vibes. I was completely terrified of it and kept the door shut 24/7. Our house was already creepy and I had the creepiest room. It was comprised of a million…
Why is there no share/tweet button on comments?! *love*
I had a brief fling with a ghost, too! He ended it, though. He said he was "going through some things right now" and then walked through several walls.
Yep. You're doing exactly the right thing. Often they love to be acknowledged. Good on ya!
I dated a ghost in high school, but he was kind of a prude: he'd never touch me.
My ghost lives in the basement of my 1904 house. So when I go down to do laundry, I try and sing/hum pre-WW2 songs, because I figure contemporary music would sound really grating, and the ghost must miss music.