
I wonder if it’s because, since my family’s 5000 miles away, and I stay with them for 2-8 weeks when I do visit, I got over it very quickly. My mom was always fine with me having sex in the house after I turned 18, but my dad was resistant until I was 23 or 25. And now his work room is under my bedroom and my bed is

Man, what’s up with kinja stars today? I heartily approve of this sentiment and have expressed similar in the none too distant past.

Exactly! And then Farticus mentioned pain killers and ER bills, which I’d never even thought about, and then now I’m thinking oh god, what if I had a son and he tore his foreskin while mastubating and was too embarrassed to tell me or his father and got an infection? And now I’m helicopter mommy-ing my nonexistent

What I want to know is why they had to pretend to not be having sex. The lady likes her grandkids, has at least one child, so she probably knows that adults so inclined who are married have sex on occasion. My partner’s the same way, so maybe I’m a freak, but I’m more of the attitude when visiting the parents that my

As a woman I feel like I get absolutely zero say and have told my partner that if we continue the family trend of sons, he makes the decision. That said, oh, God, the torn foreskin stories, woah. Ow. I instinctively crossed my legs.

Very similar story here. Of the thirteen aunts and uncles and four grandparents I was born with, I’m down to three aunts and an uncle. We have the ashes of five family members in the house as of grandmas death two weeks ago, and I know what my mom and partner want and have told them my wishes, too. It’s just death.

I was having this conversation with a friend who recently lost her mom, and also with my partner. Actually, horrible person I am, I reminded him that when we’re married and if he predeceases me I’ll be somewhere between a guardian and owner of his remains, and so his slightly asinine and likely illegal wishes for his

It is! Like you, I had to change my part to make it more visible (it’s thickest above and behind my temples), and that, plus the fact that the gray’s come in in thick, wide, graceful waves and the rest of my hair it’s mixed in is curly, give me a really easy late ‘40s/early ‘50s -esque hairstyle with just a minute or

I got my first few at ten and three or so a year until I was 25. Then they came in at a rush and now I have a four inch wide gray streak that starts half an inch behind my hairline. I'm 29.

I dislike food and sex together, so I think I love you for speaking truth. All night sex happens, and it can be fun, but it’s not that the actually full genital contact happens for hours. Fuck, orgasm, touch, snuggle, repeat for six to forty eight hours as needed. It’s wonderful when it happens, but come on, it’s

All the time. “UGH, Manface, this gum is waaay to sweet. Have it.”

It goes away when my PTSD acts up, which is unpleasant. My coping mechanisms for that seem to help, but what I dislike is that it comes out of nowhere and goes away for months at a time.

I hate it. It’s nice knowing when people are going to show up unexpectedly and the other little things I get, but seeing my dead father-in-law walking down the street because my mom’s thinking of him set me to panicking for hours. It's sad and frightening. My grandmother and great grandmother were like this, too,

I do this but with people dying. :( I also have a weird connection with my mom. I sat bolt upright at four in the morning a few months ago because I heard my uncle say my name very loudly and distinctly in my ear. I found out later that day that he had died the night before quite unexpectedly and mom got the call at 4

I do this, too! Freaks Manford Manfriend right the fuck out!

For the food or the finger spelling? I like to keep track of my devotees and the reason they come into the church.

They’re not that resilient. They make it a day or two without a blood meal. Apparently, they don’t even like bedding that much. I’d post a pink but Kinja hates iDevices and it’d take an hour to find this thread again. It was on Slate two or three weeks back.

I can taste something once and cook it myself to perfection. I can also finger spell the alphabet going forward on one hand and backward on the other while singing random songs.

Hi, Jezzies! I just want to thank all of you who were so supportive when I had to clean up my apartment. I got the upstairs doggie-safe and nice looking for my friend’s arrival and we had a great day together. I've also managed to keep it looking nice for a week, just remembering the nice things you've all said. Thank

I am, thanks! I trained myself out of it with masturbation and forcing myself to breathe deeply and relax at the moment I was least inclined to do so. Lady-play fixes everything.